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lol..... so not the usual post discussion lol!  we skimmed back to the highlights to understand and appreciate the story information....lol...Folks gonna say we overthink again...but i like this part too.   



Kumo means spider and ko mean child in Japanese, so kumoko is a spiderling.


Spooky is the vampire


I'm pretty sure we only ever try to remind you of the episode details cause we're so into the series and your reactions lol. No offense intended.


You’re cool. It’s a small minority that get to me every now and then lol. Very rarely on patreon do i read something that offends me. Now YouTube is something else 😂😂😂


i think it depends on the LN on how frequent the illustrations are tbh i havent read the LN for this so idk how many images there are


This episode was really messy, like every other scene is in a different time lol,


Okay just another reminder: Spooky is Sophia. This is confirmed Anime information. There are 4 factions in this arc so far: Divine Word Religion, Goddess Sect, Ariel (spiders) and Potimas (elves).


No spoilers cause I don't know anything past current episodes anyway but I am going to throw a theory out there. Theory is that the Goddess/admin is the girl shown during the human part in the labyrinth(the one repeating the phrase and saying it hurts). The 2 sects both worship her but the Goddess sect is offering their skills back to her because she only has so much capacity of skills and it is killing her/system which will cause the end of the world. The Word of God sect on the other hand are selfish and even though the higher ups know this they don't care and are encouraging the process by getting their followers to "hear" the voice of God. And anytime the "Taboo" skill gets earned the user starts learns this truth so they hunt them down and stop the truth from spreading. So maybe the Demon Lord is going to cull the humans to "free up capacity" of the Goddess. Which is how the world survived up to this point as a form of population control but Wakaba/Admin D might want to free the Goddess and so end the world/system it currently has. Sorry for long post, just this is my only place for Spider and sort of want to share insights/theories even if they are wrong.


Why do you point out Sophia being born as a baby? Every reincarnation started as a baby

Kyle Kowalchuk

Here is info on the Main Kingdoms and Religions (Non spoilers/Kumoko’s Time): - Sariella (Likely named after the Goddess Sariel) located on southern end of the Kasanagara continent. Followers of the Goddess Religion followers preach that sacrificing one's skills using Skill Elimination is the path to salvation. Not against skills in general but see salvation in giving up skills is supporting the Goddess. Followers are against the Word of God Religion. --Keren County is apart of the kingdom of Sariella, boarders the kingdom of Ohts were the Kasanagara side entrance to the Great Elroe Labyrinth, Sophia is the daughter of the current lord. - Ohts is a small wealthy Kingdom allied with the Renzandt empire (Ohts is almost a vassal nation to the empire due to their need for military support), contains the Kasanagara side entrance to the Great Elroe Labyrinth, benefits from intercontinental trade, labyrinth tolls and trading of monster materials; They just lost a fort to the Nightmare of the Labyrinth - Holy Kingdom of Alleius (neighbors the Kingdom of Analeit on the Daztrudia continent) As a Theocracy they are led by the Pontiff of the Word of God Religion, (Dustin) The Word of God religion is responsible for the upbringing of the Saint and has provided support to the Hero. Followers are encouraged to Improve Skills so that one can hear the Word of God. Followers are against anyone with the Taboo Skill and the Goddess Religion - Kingdom of Analeit, (neighbors the Holy Kingdom of Alleius on the Daztrudia continent); Home to the Daztrudia side entrance to the Great Elroe Labyrinth, Heroes Julius and Shun are the Second and fourth Princes respectfully; Home to the Analeit Royal Academy were most Royals and Nobles (Even from other countries) attend school - Renxandt Empire is the largest country on the Kasanagara continent, borders the Demon Realm to it's north and to the south, the Great Garam Forest and small kingdom of Ohts. Crown Prince is Hugo and are the main defenders of the Demon Realm border. - Elf Village is located in the Great Garam Forest and is the only home of the elves, ruled by the Patriarch Potimas and his daughter Filimøs (Miss Oka)

Kyle Kowalchuk

Here is what we know (anime only info): 25 of 26 students/teacher reincarnate and are given the N%I=W Skill/a special skill/new form/life that resonates with their soul, 11 Students are known to be at the elf village in Shun's time. - Okazaki Kanami (teacher/"Miss Oka") = Filimøs Harrifenas "elf girl" Seems to have knowledge on the status of the students maybe thru her Special Skill - Ooshima Kanata(joked at being homosexual by Shun/part of the friend trio) = Red-haired Katia (Daughter of a duke in Schlain's kingdom/guy reborn as girl) - Shinohara Mirei (Fashion Girl/bully) = Feirune (Fei) baby earth dragon, now in a pact with Schlain the hero, now evolved into (light? Dragon) with Humification Skill - Yamada Shunsuke (Shun/part of the friend trio) = Schlain Zagan Analeit (4th prince and brand new Hero), Has acquired a Waifu group. - Hasebe Yuika (bob hair) = Yuiri (saint candidate/saint for new Hero) was abandoned as a baby and grew up in the Word of God church. - Sasajima Kyouya (light brown haired/part of the friend trio) who defended Negishi (Rihoko "Spooky/Real Horror Girl") = unknown - Negishi Shouko (Real Horror Girl/Spooky) girl was on phone and scared shun = Sophia Keren Vampire Girl offering help to disgraced Hugo. Is working with the Demon Lord and is likely using Hugo for their overall goal, is able to block appraisal and was save by Kumoko from Bandits and elves (likely trying to kidnap her) when she was a baby. Special Skill: likely related to her Vampire status. - Hiro Wakaba (book reading girl) = not confirmed but strongly hinted to be "Kumoko", who does not have a name in this new world Special Skill: Skanda, has died within 15 years in new world according to Miss Oka. - Early un-named spider MC in labyrinth "Kumoko" (likely Hiro Wakaba)= 15 years later, If she is Wakaba, "will die" according to Miss Oka (has not been proven false or a lie). Has earned Fame as the Nightmare of the Labyrinth. There were hints at Kumoko being the Demon Lord "Ariel" (Now she appears to already be Demon Lord in Kumoko's timeline and is Kumoko's Grandma and is not a reincarnation, so how does she know about reincarnations in Shun's time? learn from Lady in White?), However Lady in White also has similar eye rot attack to early Kumoko and is now the likely person to be Kumoko. - Natsume Kengo (Soccer player) = Hugo Baint (Crown Prince of Renxandt Empire/Fake Hero in Shun's time) - Unnamed Student (Admin D) Was the target of the attack from previous Hero and Demon lord working together = Unnamed Student (Still Admin D and Still on Earth.) Has taken interest in Kumoko and named her "Champion" and created Wisdom skill for her that combines lv 10 Appraisal and lv 10 Detection into a higher level skill. - Naofumi Kogure = has died within 15 years in new world according to Miss Oka. - Issei Sakurazaki = has died within 15 years in new world according to Miss Oka. - Kouta Hayashi = has died within 15 years in new world according to Miss Oka.


I only know what anime has shown. You should check that Taboo episode where Kumoko got those flashbacks to the past. They had the goddess on wooden cross (Jesus style). So this world has done something really bad to the person who they supposedly worship and I think this skill/admin system has been forced on the goddess from that past and that knowledge is Taboo.


Maybe write down the names of the important people. Makes it easier to remember them. Elf Leader - Potimas Pontiv - Dustin Demon Lord - Ariel Those are the 3 big political parties that we know of. Elf, Church, Demons.

Daniel Borrego

i think it was a mistake in direction of this anime to introduce the magic school kids in paralell with kumoko. they should have introduced them around the time the demons were introduced. like around episode 8/9/10 ish. because of the stark contrast in personality, the human side was incredibly generic and boring. so every time they came on they just put the breaks on any kind of momentum the episode was generation. I literally would just skip forward back to kumoko after the first episode because it would actually make me angry when they came on screen. its one thing to have boring generic characters, but they have to interact with the mc for it to be ok. I know you havent done this yet, but a good example of this is goblin slayer. basically every character except for goblin slayer himself and maybe 1 or 2 others is incredibly generic and boring, but its ok because they help flesh out the mc. they interact DIRECTLY with the mc. thats what they should have done with this show. That being said, i find it funny that i find EVERY other charcter on this show, the pope guy, the elves, the demons, that mage guy, the vampire kid and fam, even whats his faces older brother WAAAAAAAAAY more interesting then the magic school kids.

Kyle Kowalchuk

The anime has changed some interesting things. For example, They missed kumoko's friendly encounter with an adventure team after she comes back the the upper stratum for the first time. There she heals some of the group. That same group would have returned the favor in this episode after re-encountering Kumoko on a mission to scope out her nest outside of town. Then would have help spread the word of how help she can be to the town. Because of their and the lords wife's actions that woman and sick son come for help. She would then put them to sleep so she could preform surgery on the kid to replace his liver. It seems that while cancer can be cured it is not just fixed with a one and done with a spell.


lmfaoooo rocklee saw that apple and said thats what maybe gave him cancer I'm dead lmaoooooooooooo lee trips me up sometimes


Because that’s Sophia. When she was a baby. Whatever info I’m processing may involve me speeking out loud.


To answer your question about the Light Novel and whether or not it has pictures. It does have pictures between the chapters sometimes, but the pictures are very far and few between. You would definitely see much much MUCH less spiders in the Light Novel... not that i'm trying to talk you into it or not. I really do enjoy your blind reactions and the LN will explain alot of stuff earlier on then the anime would. Either way, i would vibe with your reactions. Keep up the awesome reactions guys!


lol lee you crack me up kumoku was in the labyrinth for 12 episodes eating the most foul food imaginable and youre worried about an off looking apple :D