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Don’t read the comments before watching! MAJOR SPOILER MAY BE PRESENT

1.....I'm gonna be getting at Garp again...dude is like an Onion MANY LAYERS lol.

2.  This Reaction was like Night and Day...you'll see.

3.  API thanks for recommending 82 and 83 kept together...this was originally timed for a 3 episode reaction....Appreciate any notice in advance guys.

4. Sorry for late upload...ONE I WAS AFFFFFFRAAAID to release it.......and and Erza keeps moving around lol..make it hard with the anime window.

5. Also the next reaction will only be 2 episodes....we shouldnt have tried it to be honest...just telling you in advance....you'll see.  I actually put off recording for a bit from this episode....i'll explain more on the following video.

6.  I already own this suit fam



AWESOME suit🔥.


nice callback to luffy intimidating the bull at saboady lee, that arc has quite a bit of foreshadowing w it


I tear up every time


Man I just love everything about Aces death as weird as it is to say, he’s so pig headed and stubborn, he has this giant character flaw and he legit just doesn’t overcome it and it leads to his death. The same thing that led him to stubbornly chase after blackbeard and get himself into this mess is what leads to him refusing to back down from Akanui. I also think he’s a really relatable character, he spent how whole life not feeling like he deserved to be born, and was just looking for validation to his life, something only really does come from being loved. These manga chapters released back when I was in high school and I remember relating so hard to that, everybody’s self worth drops like that at some point in our younger years.


Damit no matter how much I see Aces death always in 😢😢😢😢


Faaaaaaaacts bro. I knew people like Ayce, been Ayce in my own way. Alanui i hate to like man. He’s very good at his role. Preying on the weak personality attributes of his opponents.


I am digging the suit.


It never fail 😭😭


It takes a lot for me to shed a tear 😢 and well with one piece it’s ALOT 😭🤣 Just seeing luffy go through so much non stop we’re talking since saboody ark the dude was struggling losing his squad. Then finding out about ace going to said prison breaking out going to war getting tussle. taking all kinds of steroids just to get his bro losing years of his life. Just hits hard u try ur best and still get beaten down it’s just like Garp said “not everything is going to go you’re way no matter how hard u try”


for real though that suit is legit


*dont read before watching entire video* damn i really wasn't expecting lee to crack watching this although it's completely understandable. i got spoiled going into marineford and i've still never cried harder from any storytelling. just goes to show the greatness of op. at the very least, ace got the answer to his question and died with a smile. btw i hope youre feeling better lee, much love


Man, I thought that Erza would start crying a bit but I didn't think you were gonna break, Lee. This one hits hard, but your reactions made it hit a little harder than the other times I've watched this arc.

johnny reefer

damn don't worry Lee. I teared up for Merry and this and another scene in the future and i never cry. great reaction. I've seen people take weeks off after this episode. SuperMechaFrieza was legit broken.

Luis CK

I do have a theory regarding things you discussed but it can only be understood with the info on further episodes so I’ll just say: you’re (kinda) onto something (both confirmed stuff and not confirmed stuff)


Yea. She looked over at me and later told me. She wanted laugh at me. Because I didn’t even cry at our wedding or daughters birth but I cried so over anime.


When I saw you tearing up at first, all I could do is grin hard as fck...with tears streaming down my eyes. This one gets me every time!


Sad to be right about this arc hitting you YBRL. Don't worry you weren't the only one with tears in your eyes seeing this first time, the build up to save ACE has been such a long "ACEEE!" yelling luffy arcs, that for it to end like this hits you like a truck. Onwards to the conclusion of this arc. ps. That suit was amazing :D


Yeaaa. Yeaaa. Yeaaa!! That’s it! I think more and more hearing Luffy yell Accee was subscious programming for the attachment to cement with Aceee. Erza even laughed he kept saying it...now look Us


I've seen this so many times, but man every single time I......


I’ve watched one piece three times and this gets me every time. Sometimes more then others but without fail it makes me emotional as fuck.


Akainu is legit one of my favorite villains to hate. He actions are smart, understandable(in universe), and his strength is both earned and understood long before we even meet him but his actions harm characters we care about so we hate him so much.


Ace = Selfish. His selfishness caused the war and lead to his capture. His selfishness then lead to his death. Even after watching his loyal comrades sacrifice themselves for him, he was still selfish. Ace is so beloved in the one piece community that people tend to overlook his selfishness. Not to mention, his selfishness lead to his fathers death with whitebeard. Great reaction guys, was so good to see lee break at the end lol in a good way haha Garp is still the goat, his self confliction that he fights mentally makes him so realistic. Looking forward to more reactions fam


the D stand for drip

Jarvis Fowlkes

That's the thing though Blackbeard was going after his little brother so how u think Ace would feel if he let Blackbeard go and Luffy was in trouble because of it ? It's easy to put the blame on someone but you can't blame Ace and Akainu talking trash about his father people would just say let it go and get away but Ace would never do it as he sat he would not live with regrets and besides Oda wanted Ace to die so you have to remember this is written out to happen this way

Jarvis Fowlkes

I don't even see him as a villian more like an antagonist but he's right about pirates because honestly if it's a random person we wouldn't careless about it the way Oda paint the pirates we know and love over the pirates who does horrible things is really different


Ohhhhhhyyaaaaa? Nice suit man Kizaru drip


I have rewatched One Piece for couples of times. I still shaken every time I'd seen Akainu punched through Ace and my tears still running down everytime.

Kay M

Omg I cry every time I watch this. I have yet to see a single reactor who has made it through that scene without crying.


Thank u for listening to me for 82 and 83 together :) To me Garp is such an interesting and complex character. In the arc, everyone was clear on which allegiance they need to choose ( Marines or Pirates) but Garp is the odd man out, the character fighting between his own identity and his family. He tried to side with his duty (episode 476) but ultimately realises he can't choose his duty over his family (episode 480) and let Luffy hit him. When Ace asked " Did I deserve to be born?" and Garp answered "You will see as you live". For me the conversation he had with luffy before dying seems that he still thought hed didnt deserve to be born and thanks for loving him anyway. Sengoku didnt stop Garp because Garp can beat Akainu or not. He stopped Garp because he was seeing that his friend about to make a grave mistake that will eliminate everything Garp has ever worked for, he stopped him as a friend. Odas depiction of dealing with the moment of death of closest person to luffy was phenomenal. He didnt get any power up, no shonen cliche, his brain had to stop his entire body just to save him from the shock.


I agree with Sengoku’s motivation in stopping Garp but I also think that Akainu is in real danger from Garp considering how close they are on the totem pole.(Garp might as well be an admiral in our eyes since he’s been offered the position and just doesn’t want it)


You rocking that Kizaru fit is legendary




sometimes its okay to just let it out, it doesn't make you less of a man or weak to shed a tear


Holy shit guys LET IT OUTTTT lmao. Wow this one hit yall hard! Was great to see. Felt it right along side you. Oda knows how to bring the feels. Omg no discussion at the end bruhhh I am so curious what the hell you guys did after this lmao. How do you go about your day? Imagine waiting for WEEKLY EPISODES

Peacefinder Simply

I had this spoiled from a youtuber title and thumbnail ): Ruined this arc a ton for me knowing this was coming.


I figured that if anything could or would break the unbreakable RockLee it would be this moment, Hell, it broke us all.


These episodes were powerful, that's the truth. After a moment like this I don't blame you for not being able to record more than 2 episodes, and then not being able to return to recording (both because of this and then the hospital thing) we get it. Now that you're back, however, I do have some suggestions as to how to divvy up what's coming: 1) After the 2 episode video you should record the following two with 3 episodes each. If you've already recorded one or more at 2 however then you should keep it at that for a total of 4 (the already done one plus 3 more) 2) episode 492 is a filler episode that is a crossover with Toriko. If that's something that interests you then you should watch it seperately, otherwise just skip it. 3) 493-504 are entirely backstory set in the *REDACTED* but you should watch them anyways as it's entirely original content, not merely flashbacks. I can't say more without spoiling, but it's important that you watch and react, either in 3 videos of 4 episodes or else 4 of 3. 4) Finally the remaining 12 episodes of this arc will deal with the aftermath of what happened here and features a major turning point for not only the Straw Hats but for the entire show. Again either 4 videos of 3 episodes or 3 of 4, but try to end on episode 516 because there will be some major changes coming after this. #BelieveTheHype


...and there it is... THAT scene.


you almost spoiled the next part in point 3 :3 anyhow.. that is a great portion of the story ..but yup..they should stop at 516


Unbreakable Lee finally breaks.. even though we all waited for this moment... i really dont want to see people who are positive and fun to cry to be honest :3


I figured it would hit you hard. But i didn't see that coming. Personally i was spoiled, so i knew he was going to die. I am glad you didn't get spoiled on that.


My nephew also got spoiled on that. He knew what was gonna happen, but still cried his eyes out. It's how it was delivered. Such a powerful moment.


That’s why i broke lol. Luffy not catching a break and the unstoppable Ayce captured, questioning his self worth. Miraculously gets free and whoops on military. Tries to escape and they wouldn’t let him. Died saving his brother. Homie was just trying ro Rob and Pillage? Is that so wrong? So i cried lol. “Let me be a pirate!!!”


Yeah bro. No discussion. I had nothing to say. We did watch the next two and just stopped. It wasn’t good for us or viewers and I’m the type to record 8 videos back to back with Directornasty. I call it on the next one. “Yeah let’s stop at 2”. Pure destruction and carnage happening


U should read the ace novels one and 2 really adds to his character just finished 1 and it's pure 🔥 flame

Dragon Prince

Since you guys have meet all the og warlords, here’s a fun fact. If you think about the naming scheme of all the og warlords (Crocodile, Boa, Hawk-Eye, Kuma, Jimbe, Moria, and Doflamingo) they’re all named after animals except for Jimbe who’s a whale-shark fishman


Honestly did not expect you to cry, I had to rewind back just to make sure i wasn't going insane. But don't worry i was crying too, snot and everything..Great reaction!


His name is "Jinbei" at that means Whale Shark. So he has a animal based name as well.


My friend went on One Piece hiatus when this happened. It took her 4 years to recover.

Peacefinder Simply

wow, i had something similar with another anime( about a year), still hurts to think about. I won't say because it will be kind of spoilery.

Michael Royal

when will more be out? of one piece

Karman Wilmot

Yeah, that death scene, it's rough. When I first saw it I cried a lot. That was years ago. Then some time later my Depression got so bad (because of many problems in my life)I had mute emotions; so when I watched that scene again by myself I suddenly wasn't able to cry. However; because of that and my loneliness, I seaked out rectors to share my experiences with and enjoy it with others. When I did that, I was able to laugh and cry again at the shows/movies because people like you guys put yourselves out there. So thank you😊❤️.

360gunner (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-24 23:18:04 It really sucks because since day 1 of one piece, for ALL those years before this episode, TOXIC FANS & EVEN REVIEWERS WROTE ODA EVERYDAY CRITIZING HIM FOR "NEVER KILLING PPL IN O.P (like Pell even lived)." So after all those years of that harsh criticism, he finally decided to shut those dbags up by taking away our beloved Ace smfh. To this day I have IMMENSE hatred of those low lifes lol
2021-06-01 23:13:46 It really sucks because since day 1 of one piece, for ALL those years before this episode, TOXIC FANS & EVEN REVIEWERS WROTE ODA EVERYDAY CRITIZING HIM FOR "NEVER KILLING PPL IN O.P (like Pell even lived)." So after all those years of that harsh criticism, he finally decided to shut those dbags up by taking away our beloved Ace smfh. To this day I have IMMENSE hatred of those low lifes lol

It really sucks because since day 1 of one piece, for ALL those years before this episode, TOXIC FANS & EVEN REVIEWERS WROTE ODA EVERYDAY CRITIZING HIM FOR "NEVER KILLING PPL IN O.P (like Pell even lived)." So after all those years of that harsh criticism, he finally decided to shut those dbags up by taking away our beloved Ace smfh. To this day I have IMMENSE hatred of those low lifes lol