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Sound a little low guys...if you wait...it'll be updated in a few hours....my bad....i edit the volume as the same with the other shows...but this one is actually lower through prime.



9:40 i think robot is trying to build himself a human body


I dont know how you could blame mark for rick getting fucked

Kumi Chan

It's because mark had a chance to help William find Rick before, and didn't go. It was only after William got taken that mark decided to help.

Peacefinder Simply

I really don't like Amber, not one bit. If its true the relationship was over weeks ago then she baited mark into thinking something was still there. She even got mad at him at the college for leaving(left to be invincible to fight cyborg thing) when she knew why? Mark does need to wake up and grow up, but amber is being petty and confusing too. Also, if she knew he was invincible then she should know why he won't tell her, to protect her. Blaming him for not trusting her, but the root of the issue was her not trusting him causing him to constantly making promises he couldn't keep being desperate because of her lack of trust.


Rudy really did give the Twins bad schematics though, he was never on their side, he just used them.


I think you guys were being too unfair to Mark for that cyborg situation. His friend understood that Mark couldn't do anything with just him finding the phone and instantly when he was in trouble in the sewers Mark actually came to help. So there was no reason for him to be even that angry at him, I did understand your reasoning for the possibility of him being angry about it.

Anderson Lake(The Bleach)

I also think Mark is gonna get it but there probably will be some denial and some not believing that this is true. Also I don;t know where you got that Mark and Nolan have a not so good relationship, from what we've seen there relationship as father and son is actually pretty good. Also he went to Amber as a friend for advise not as a rebound because they are friends if you pay attention to their conversation.


Slight tension particularly on beginning. They last argued in episode 5 before the battles beast popped up. Omni man watched Mark get bodied in ep 5 as well. https://twitter.com/yaboyrocklee_/status/1386286066349477891?s=21


He didn’t come with him essentially or show enough effort in the begging. I’m generally fine with Mark in that situation bit expected William? To be highly upset because he lost his boy friend lol. Who was low key the best boy 😭😭

Anderson Lake(The Bleach)

Well yeah there's tension from the super hero stuff because Nolan is trying to show him how it is and it's rough in general. And with Omni-man watching Mark get bodied it was probably like a spartan training type of thing, I'm not saying Nolan is right for that all I'm saying is that's probably why. Also Mark was delirious so he probably didn't really think about it after waking up and thought it was a trick of the eye. Things being tense in tense situations doesn't make a bad relationship it's just sometimes shit happens. But from what we've seen in general their relationship just as father and son before the superpowers and somewhat after is pretty alright honestly.


That’s entirely fair. Just sharing why even think it’s a “bad relationship “ from our view. I’ll ask the other 2 on next video if I remember

Anderson Lake(The Bleach)

That's fair. I could see how when the writer focuses on those tense situations you would think they have a somewhat bad relationship.


same lying is sometime the best choice too to protect and shit

Iejir Isk

I mean, you sneak into my house, hold a gun at me, i'mma kill ya too. Also, that dirty Immortal. laying low until the heat goes down from killing the guardians. Should find a way to lock him up!

Iejir Isk

I mean, i stand by both parts XD. Those guys snuck (they were invisible) into his house, armed. Then shot him. Also, you can't claim it aint sus as hell from the outside when Immortal came back from the "dead".