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Croc is on the SCEEEEENE.  Big set up for The Revolution to come?! lol

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one piece 440-443 uncut

Watch "one piece 440-443 uncut" on Streamable.



Big revolution? hmmm..may be :3 As much u love bon clay now... u will love bon clay even more by the end of the arc :D also Ivan pronouces as Evan with hard E .... Jimbei pronounces as Jim ( like Jim Carrey) Bay


Buggy and Crocodile is in my top 5 One Piece characters. hehe i love them lol


A lot of people theorize that Crocodile used to be a chick lol. Or was just into some wacky shit :D aaand at the end you said this. Noice Thanks for the reactions. This journey has been a blast!

Adam Bailey

Some even went so far as to say Croc might have been Luffy's mom.

Jarvis Fowlkes

These aren't just people that they are torturing you have to remember there criminals who done awful things to get there in the first place they have the authority to kill any prisoner of course but killing them out of your own amusement if everyone did that there wouldn't he a prison and wardens wouldn't have a job


Croco Boy hiiiiiiii haaaaaaaa. Sorry^^


I know they are criminals, yet I’m also against torturing most of them with limited information from an emotional point of view. We also know the government lies. I have to assume some of the punishment i see doesn’t fit the crime. This same government has 7 pirates who’s crimes they ignore as long as they fall in line. Lol. I just don’t respect the powers that be here. I don’t like government 😭


I don't think Zoro didn't cry or scream when he took Luffy's pain... that was the reason he decided to take Luffy's pain somewhere else and not near the crew so they wouldn't hear him scream and cry in pain. That's why his eyes were so red when Sanji saw him... probably from internal bleeding, crying or both.


Sir Crocodile is my favorite villain in these show

Peacefinder Simply

that what i assumed when he asked to be somewhere else, either that or he doesn't want to take a chance to be seen going through it.

Luis CK

Jinbe’s cuffs an chains probably weren’t Kairouseki (Sea prism stone) in case you thought Inazuma cut through it. That being said, idk the extent of his power :p


There's so much gender-swapped fanart of Crocodile. It's not been confirmed yet, but it's definitely sparked people's imaginations haha


I just wanted to remind you that this is the worlds greatest prison that house the most notorious criminals. which is to say everyone has a bounty on their head in it. buggy the clown bounty was 15 million berri and he was put on level one where as Mr 1 who worked under crocodile was put on level 4 with a bounty of 75 million berri. with this info you can conclude that anyone put on level 5 and 6 have bounties of 75 million berri and up. I'm telling you this to show case how strong the jailers are when fighting against and maintaining order within the prison against multiple prisoners. whether they win or lose a fight they are still powerful individuals. its possible to lose perspective when you don't see 1 on 1 fight in the outside world to showcase the strength of someone reflected in their bounty. Great reaction!


YBRL what was that face you pulling in these episodes, don't u love queers :D


I think you face was how my face was watching these scenes. It's just so over the top you laugh, but at the same time it's...well disturbing for normal viewer =)


Yo that was the vibe I got from ybrl lol I felt like he don’t like queers... lol

Peacefinder Simply

its usually a term not used like it is here, its like a pretty bad swear word, but in japanese culture its different. Its also complicated.

israel bardwell

The link isn’t working, the video doesn’t show for some reason!

israel bardwell

Wow, that was a fast respond, Preciate it a lot!! Enjoying y’all’s reactions a lot! Thanks!!💯💯💯

israel bardwell

It didtn’t work still, but it’s alright though appreciate y’all for trying fa sho! 💯🙂


copy the link and paste in new tab. Even though the link is for streamable, the hyperlink still points to vimeo which is down. Just copy and paste and don't rely on clicking it.


thanks. i didn't realize what was happening...but yeah...i'm updating the hyper link but it still brings it back to vimneo....i'm sorry....the reasoning this is happening is plan on having patreon converting the embedded video into their player...i have to wait a few weeks.