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WE FINALLY GOT THE SAUCE! Erza and I been thinking for a while that Roger gave himself...lol..sometimes we think things so long we think the show told us...so i don't know at what point we started thinking of that. But it started making sense especially when we saw how much forces are needed to stop White Beard and his crew.  


one piece 400-402

Watch "one piece 400-402" on Streamable.



Is it just me, or is the audio out of sync, by like 10 seconds or so?

Ethan White

Audio isn't synced


Got it fixed. Linked the wrong version


"The Unclear Justice" admiral is here.... Also, a lot of people thought roger gave himself up as he is the pirate king and there would be like only less than few people can go against him even though we don't know his power scale here. And whitebeard pirates are not stopped ( shanks only talk to him and whitebeard is still going for the rescue of Ace)


I changed my sentence to “are” needed. I meant the present tense to where I am.


Yea definitely still out of sync

Wewak Waguk

Lol same thing

Luis CK

Link is down :(


Are we waiting on the link rn?


they gonna upload the link again after exporting the new fixed version, let's just wait

Barre Bonds

Haha people gotta have patience outchea! Even though im dying to watch these eps as well


chill out bros. the video link will get updated when it's ready.


HERE WE GO! <3 Thx for the reupload


Can at least one of you stop reading the titles and watching the episode preview at the end please. Thanks for the content guys x


I don’t mean to read it. But i see it starting the video. The video starts at the title. Before I would look down or away.


Kizaru vs the supernovas is one of my favorite display of power in one piece. He is just crazy OP


I thought about reincarnation as a possibility but I think in terms of Oda's style of writing, it's too heavy-handed and hamfisted of a way to draw a connection between Luffy and Roger. It's like hammering a round peg into a square hole. I think the recurring theme of Inherited Will is more than enough to explain Luffy's similarities. A new generation of young folks completing the dreams of their elders. I think the theme of Inherited Will is separate from the Will of D, though even the Will of D may be one of the wills that are inherited. That last sentence probably got confusing, but that's the only way I can express it lol


Garp is a Vice-Admiral, not an Admiral. His friend and the current Fleet Admiral, Sengoku, has often tried to push Garp to become an Admiral, but Garp prefers vice-admiralty because it allows for a pocket of more relative freedom to travel the Grand-Line. If he took the promotion to become an Admiral, he'd be stuck at Headquarters, more directly under the thumb of the world government. In the episode where they visit Luffy at water 7, it said that Garp had cornered Roger many times, which was just to give us an idea of his comparable strength. However, Garp isn't the one that was said to have "captured" Roger. Garp isn't taking credit for bringing Roger in. Garp is considered the Hero of the Navy for a different reason that you'll find out about much later. It's unclear about whether the Navy gave the admirals devil fruits. We know Aokiji had his before he was an Admiral so it's possible that they rose up the ranks into those positions specifically because they have overpowered Logia fruit powers.


i love that Robin did the same thing as Luffy here. She could have gotten the answer to her big question. What happened in the Void century. Just like Luffy could have gotten the answer to the One Piece. But just like Luffy Robin too realized that she would rather go on the journey herself and find it out the legit way. I think part of the reason why she made that decision is because Rayleigh offered her to tell her. Usually people who knew, as in the government, always try to keep it a secret as much as they can. If Rayleigh would have said he will not tell her she would have a hard time to accept that. But he gave her the option. Then the clouds opened up and she made the decision to find it out the right way. That Luffy didn't want to know about the One Piece is a given, since all he cares about is the adventure. It was such a strong moment when he yelled at Usopp.


U pretty much-covered everything before they derailed their chain of thought about garp... i hope YBRL reads this. Also Will of D isnt exclusive to Roger who distributed to people, because Garp is also a D who is almost same age as Roger


I sincerely hope Luffy is not the reincarnation of anyone. I would love to just have a main character that has no outside help or godly-ness from birth. I want Luffy to achieve his dream through his own efforts alongside his crew. I don't want to find out at the end that this was all destined to happen or that he was gifted from birth because of some history, like Naruto who started as a kid who did everything himself and taught us to never give up etc, but then you find out later he's the reincarnation of a God's son and realistically had the highest potential from birth of like anyone... Hard to put all that into words rn but I think you get where I'm coming from


I think from Oda's storytelling and writing style he won't do that

Markus Andre Midtbø Kjørsvik

“When do you think people die? When they are shot through the heart by the bullet of a pistol? No. When they are ravaged by an incurable disease? No. When they drink a soup made from a poisonous mushroom!? No! It’s when… they are forgotten.” -Dr.Hiluluk Also Chopper has inherited Dr.Hiluluk's Will.




Next 3 episodes will be crazy =)


I think "Voice of the Universe" is supposed to be "The voice of all things" or something along those lines


yeah that is how i remember it. the universe thing made it a bit confusing i think. almost as if the universe was conscious. the translation that i know said "the voice of all things." also remember when Zoro learned how to cut steel. He said he could hear the stones and the metal "breathing".


Imagine introducing a bunch of pirates all around Luffy's level and then within a few episodes they all get mopped by one dude lol. So good