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Daaaaaamn this episode. Good info yet more questions


so i'm a spider so what ep 9 uncut

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they could be watching another site with another subtitel as what we were watching on screen, ive seen this with another reactor before


From what I can speculate so far, the events of spidey girl we've been seeing are 15 years ago from what we see with other humans. And my guess is our spidey girl kept on evolving and became that demon lord. Especially guessing from her conversation with that dragon knight saying how it's been a long time since theyve first met and never thought things would turn out like this at that time. I like what I see.


Man, the differences in the translations can be so weird. I'm watching it subbed on Crunchyroll, and there's so many differences between the english subs there, and the ones from where you're watching it. Also, the 'Devil' in the second half of the episode, is the Demon Lord, no idea why its translated to 'Devil'.


The subtitles on this episode were definitely weird. Especially during that talk between Spider and Dragon Clan man. In the Crunchyroll subs the subtitles were gibberish to make it clear that they were talking a different language. This is the first time I hear what he says I'm assuming it's cannon because it fits so well but it's weird that it would be like that.


Now that you mention it, wasn't it "ruler of pride" that kumo got last time, why did they change it to "ruler of arrogance" ? xD Translations are weird and inconsistent. Also calling it "warrior" instead of Hero is sort of confusing.


Yeah exactly, since its a Crunchyroll Original anime, I'm sticking with those subtitles being the most correct one, so it doesn't get confusing.


Subtitles were really bad in your episode Warrior = Hero & Devil = Demon Lord and many other things that was just bad subs. I think you missed a really important part what this episode revealed, Julius talked about getting that dragon egg (My guess is Fey, purple dragon) & spider silk 15 years ago, this revealed to us that all the spider adventures we have been watching happened 15 years ago compared to when we following the young kids in school. This would be logical as the spider could instantly be active when she was born, compared to humans needing that 15 years to mature. So real question now is, Demon lord is the spider? 1. 9th Legion guy (Armor guy) talked to her that it's been really long time from their first meeting and we just see that first meeting in the lava area with dead dragon. Think he is a dragon as he said somebody killed his kin. 2. 10th legion hooded blue hair woman sounds exactly like "D" from the phone. 3. Paralyzing abilities on those 2 generals that were fighting and we were just told spiders eye powers what he got from leveling up from killing the dragon. One was paralyzing effect 4. Spider threads from their bodies. 5. Abyss Magic, what again she used in the fight against the dragon. Now I am not 100% certain it's exactly our spider, really think there is some kind of twist or something. Maybe the current Demon Lord is one her extra brains that separated from her or some weird situation like that.

None ya

The shear amount of translation differences in this platform jump you made is staggering, I can only advise you to change platforms back to what you were using before or rewatch it because with this amount of difrences it's basically a new anime.

None ya

And to be clear I almost clicked away because of them it was just that jaring of a change


I'll have to disagree with number 2 for sure. They sound nothing alike. 'D' is a lot more playful and outspoken, plus the fact that she's a 'God', while the hooded girl sounded a lot more timid. If it was 'D', its clear she would have been why more outspoken than that. Plus, as a Evil God, no reason for her to help a Demon Lord as a commander, if anything, the Demon Lord would be answering to 'D'. But regarding everything else, it does a good thing at hiding who our spider is those 15 years later, and where she is? After all, the elf teacher says the girl who became the spider is dead, those 15 years later, etc.


It is Weird that the sub can be so different. And in this one, they translate the administrators words. In the ones, I saw before they used their language to highlight that the spider couldn't understand him and yo didn't know what he and D was talking about. :P


I don't think you mean it literally when you speak about this show taking things from Slime but just to be clair, "Slime" and "So i'm a spider" are two anime adapted from japanese light novels and there's a lot of isekai light novel with someone dying and being reincarnated in a new world where there's skill, hero and demon lord. This is a type a stories very popular in Japan so these two anime didn't take anything from each others. This is like talking about a fantasy book talking about elves and dwarfs, they have become so common that any books with them doesn't mean they copied another one.


Ah Specifically Spider Slime Redo of healer Are all talking about Demon Lord ascension at the same time we are viewing it. That’s what I’m talking about. As well as me suspecting the Spider will also have a humanoid form. Also foe future reference, I’m speaking off the dome , so I’ll say Redo of healer is like shield hero, doesn’t mean i think it copied, but since i saw Shield Hero first, it’s the point of reference. Overlord is the first we saw together. So it’s also always the standard for Isekai for us to compare to


The translations in this episode were rather poor. there is no "Devil" it was demon lord, and the whole dragon/cell phone scene, we shouldn't have gotten that dialogue. and at the end it wasn't "warrior title" its was the title of "Hero".... not sure how they got this bad


I agree with your time stuff, like the humans needed to grow up first, but spider was doing stuff right after hatching.... *if they all were transported at the same time


I was about to comment this too, but it's not a poor translation, it's a fucking awful localization of the translation.

Iejir Isk

... hmm... you seem to be watching a different version than you're showing. now i'm curious what that convo said. Where you seeing 'Warrior'? I don't see that in the subtitles...

King Allen

This is almost 2 years old at this point but like, what were y'all watching this on? What you were saying you were reading does not entirely match what you have shown.