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Did you guys already see this?  I'm not sure why it has some many views when it's my first time sharing the private link?  Side note...nice surprise in this...Kinda reminds me of Hawkeye again...like, you think you got One Big Boss to deal with...(Luffy to beat) and a side Villain pops up and bodies Zoro. LOL.  Also upon reflection, i think i'm in Denial about my favorite male character.....i keep skipping Luffy, but he's the one with the phrases and memories I think about most when the show is Over.....I dunno...Needless to say...it's a great Cast anyways.


one piece 376-378 uncut.mp4

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I remember going through these and so much happened in these episodes. From Zoro's stand to Brook's backstory, my lord it still gets me to this day. I really hope you guys like "Bink's Sake". It's the title of the song Brook is always singing.


Another thing is that if you remember in episode 2, Zoro literally said to Luffy that he will kill him if luffy comes between his dream of becoming worlds greatest swordsman. Here he is ready to abandon his dream for luffy. Nice little character development.


i can't talk for other people but i haven't seen it. The ending of this arc is what makes it so amazing for me. so much goodness. Zoros moment, Brooks story, the song.


Brook's backstory is like the most tragic for me.. After this quarantine and isolation, I kinda can feel more with Brook even though I have no idea how its like to be alone for 50 years but i can feel the gesture, it can make you crazy


Also I hope u didnt watch with this subtitle ..man they are bad.. Zoro iconic line went from "Nothing...Happened" to "Whatever Happened?? Nothing at all" , they have the same meaning but "Nothing Happened" is more nuanced and concise and epic

Peacefinder Simply

over time, Erza will realize why luffy is the MC. And same to you Rocklee (: This isn't even a hint, it could mean a endless list of things.


Zoro is the GOAT. It was a little lost in this translation but the first time Kuma went to grab Luffy, Zoro struck and he understood how committed Zoro was to protecting Luffy. The second time around before extracting the pain from Luffy, Kuma pauses right before grabbing Luffy and reassures Zoro that he has agreed not to harm Luffy. In that short time he understood that even after dropping his sword Zoro will force himself to strike if he tried to grab his captain without reassuring Luffys safety.


Perfect timing. The next three closes out this arc beautifully.


The best arc in my opinion is coming up. So excited

Peacefinder Simply

second best imo, next one is even better. Thats isn't saying this series goes downhill either, it does in some ways but there is so much still to look forwards too. Edit: Actually nvm, there is a bit before we reach what i think is your favorite arc, 2 smaller arcs coming with one of them being awesome imo.


You’re not sure why this got many views ? Zoro’ s sacrifice is one of the most iconic one piece moments ever to date. Zoros character is written so well by Oda, and this moment just solidified his place as one of the best male characters in the history of manga and anime. Your guys domestics got in the way of reacting to the best moment in one piece :p lol YouTube might come biting at you guys when this gets posted haha thanks for the reaction guys

Ashar Abedi

Congrats on experiencing one of the most hype moments in all of One Piece, even though 'nothing happened' yohohohoho


I can understand YaBoyRockLee. I love Zoro as well but Erna is sometimes just like some annoying Zoro fans in the fandom too. But she is your wife you have to stand it. LOL.


Noooo. It had views BEFORE i shared the link lol. Like. Before posting the video. I’m not sure how that was possible. To my knowledge, nobody had access at the time the views were high. It should have been like 3 views, mine

Thomas Stark

So awhile back I told you another reactor I enjoyed was spoiled on an Important moment by over excited One Piece fans constantly quoting two specific words in the comment section. Those words were "Nothing Happened" can you imagine if that scene was taken away from you and spoiled. She could barely enjoy the big moment cause she was so frustrated. Anyways Loved your reaction and Excitement. Can't wait to enjoy more of this wonderful series with you two. Take care And I'll see you in the next arc.


Zoro sacrifice for me was maybe the best thing in one piece for the next 400 episodes.

johnny reefer

Luffy is the best character. I know it's "corny or not right" to like a main character the best but Luffy is just amazing.


Yeaaa lol. You got me. I caught that. He’s dope. But I didn’t want to follow the main character. Lol. It’s not “cool”


You guys are becoming toxic one piece fans. Also I can’t believe the sub translator messed up the most iconic one piece momment… ”Nothing happened.” If you’re not using legal websites, I suggest you find a different place.