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Crazy this batch of Episodes tied in with Ace and Black Beards fight to me! Teach mentioned many devil fruit users are defenseless without their powers.

This Oars emphasized that Luffy is an excellent fighter period, who happens to also have powers ha.

Saw a little of that in Enel and Croc who held it down when their powers were no longer effective.

Anyways i think the ARC Steps up one more notch in the coming episodes.

Oda’s creative freedom is basically second yo none at this point lol


one piece 363-365 uncut

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Odas devil fruit power is the Creativity Creativity Fruit lol. I actually love the end part of this arc. for many reasons. so much good stuff there. also a few amazing Zoro moments.


Enel actually never held it down. The entire premise of him is his power. The moment someone came along who can counter his power, he lost his mind. He had a quick thinking only one time by making luffys hand with gold. Otherwise he never used his actual strength to do anything. He had a brilliant mind but bcs he uses devil fruit he never uses it.He had the other ability which i wont talk about


If ryuma was still alive, hed mop Zoro easily. He gave Zoro trouble as a zombie, imagine him being alive..


yeah, he was just using brooks move set in an epic level. now just think if he used his own move set back from when he was alive ( not dissing Zoro but at this point, he is on the weaker side)

Burag Cetinyurur

Lots of sexy Robin feet.Why call it creepy? LoL. Also the biggest issue with Nami is how did she faint? And it has been for soo long. This really never happened before this arc. She does get captured on Little Garden but we see how it happens. But this time Absalom kidnaps her and then we see her unconscious. The Shaodw Fruit is one of the craziest abilities in the series and such a versatile ability too. What if... Moria was a physical fighter instead of a minion master? He can essentially double team people with him + shadows and other stuff that you have yet to see. The sheer versatility is so fucking crazy you can easily make a seperate series featuring Moria as he experiments with his power. I wish you kept the 9 episodes a week for a little bit longer (maybe 2 weeks or so) and then moved back to 6 ep/week. If W7 , Enies Lobby was 10/10 this arc is around 7.5/10. Next arc is like 15/10. You jaws will hit the floor like Usopps.

Karman Wilmot

Man, she really does hate NAMI huh😅? I'm a woman too, but I'm not hating on her. NAMI has almost always been fighting in her own way. This time and the time in Drum Kingdom were the only times she was passed out. Then there's Little Garden where she was captured during the big fight. Every other time she has done her best. I think she doesn't like Nami or Robin because of you ogling at them constantly. That's only a guess though. I'm Asexual (I'm not attracted to anything), so I can see how watching the constant ogling of female characters can be grating on the nerves😅.