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red of healer ep 4

Watch "red of healer ep 4" on Streamable.



Lmfao heroic fucking


The soul thing was just s separate concept with demo humans... They have a regular name and a true name.. and if you know a demi-human's true name you can effectively control them and they can't resist. at least that's what i believe..They never really went into detail about that


Remember in episode 1 they said having sex with a hero could increase ones abilities


that’s why he was repeatedly raped


Really boys you didn't see that coming when he said he would make her stronger. And you guys just talked and remembered that liquids from Heroes can make people stronger :D


We thought the people thought that lol. We didn’t think it was actually true 😂


I still can’t get over how causally this do mind wiped flare and just has her crushing with him. That’s like the ultimate power move or something


Ok. Im in the mood for mini essay so here we go. The true name, soul blah blah blah thingy is popular-ish concept in fantasy, going back all the way to Tolkien (if I recall correctly entire magic system was based on that there)...but it is accualy based on reality, and to be a bit more precise...demology. Super simplified, by knowing demons real name you can bind it to your will. I won't go into details just in case someone reading is stiupid enough to try it. It is REALLY dangerous.