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and randomly just like that...Oda drops some information on ya that was forshadowed and moves on with story! lmao



One Piece 313-315 uncut

Watch "One Piece 313-315 uncut" on Streamable.



to be clear, he still has the cursed one, the rusted one is the one given to him for free after the shopkeeper watched zoro's luck trial. also If u can remember, garp had the same characteristics of luffy like sleeping in mid sentence (even when morgan hit him) and also behaving like an idiot


hey guys this subs aren't great


he was also talking about some Doughnut record he was trying to brake, so he has the "food" thing like luffy as well.

Adam Bailey

The New World is still the Grand Line, it's just the second half of it. The Red Line is the Prime Meridian of the world and the Grand Line is the Equator. They intersect in two spots, one is Reverse Mountain which is the beginning of the Grand Line and the other is after sailing halfway around the world and hitting the Red Line again. There are maps you could probably find that show it.


Good idea that to minimise during opening. I wouldn't have minded watching opening but next few of openings really really spoil major things which shouldn't be watched beforehand


i still wonder why they even do that, who was the genius who thought that they should include crucial scenes of the show into the opening... but sadly a lot of anime do that...


Garp's name is Monkey D Garp and you haven't seen it because of the bad subs


No, the Grand Line is split into first half and second half. The second half of the grand line is called "New World".

Thomas Stark

Monkey D Garp is his grandfather's full name. Your sub's weren't translating names titles, Coby's a junior officer. He's at the age of growth spurts. And Zoro lost a good sword but not the cursed one.


The D. means ...... deez nuts!!




lol, girls literally sceaming "PAULIE!", YBRL in denial no, they only screaming for the whole crew. Haha =)


going back to episode 151, now you know what the Three Great Powers are that the old men at the head of the World Government were talking about. There's a balancing act between the four Pirate Emperors of the Sea versus the alliance of the Navy and the Shichibukai.


Lol. My bad. I t was thinking the scene was showing the people loved the shipwrights and while yes Paulie had some shawtys. I actually remember that one 😂


I really appreciate that you remembered the bit with Garp and Coby. That was a long time ago the details don't matter but you remembered. I'm impressed. Also I love how excited you are after seeing these episodes. I was waiting for this reveal.


Thanks for clarification on all those especially cursed sword. Soooooo bare with one last speculation on that sword


the translation is so weird at times.. it's honestly a bit distracting. Not sure if i'm the only one with this issue.. you are expecting a certain lines, but it's not there. nothing MAJOR, just little something.the translator taking little liberties here and there.


You’re not the only one. I’ve had messages lol. I use Funimation or crunchy roll or netflix when I watch on my own. But i use sites so i dont have yo worry about a buffering while recording.

johnny reefer

No, I don't think Coby is the modern garp. Smoker is, he is the one chasing Luffy. Coby is inspired by Luffy.


Mmmmmmm. Yea. But the age difference. I dunno. We’ll see Or maybe you already saw 💀 ☠️ 😂


great reaction! also to clarify, Coby called the second half of the grand-line the new world. garp also said that the 4 great pirates rule over the second half of the grand line like kings thus the marines and the 7 war lords have allied against them. I honestly understand where your coming from drawing a parallel with luffy and coby and roger and garp but knowing ODA that may be a distraction and he fools us all.


Yo Lee, do you guys ever plan on switching to headphones during reactions. I feel like your OP experience would be soo much better. :P


Yes!!! It would be! We attempted it but I’m also listening for my child. Sometimes i pause when she needs me or if i am suspicious and pick back up. Usually you guys don’t notice lol. She’s in her room next to us usually


By the way. If you want you can watch next fillers that will happen on water 7. I think it can be a good break for you. There is some filler episodes with Sanji and Zoro that you might like.


Oh really? We have a filler list. We already skipped. Our last episode was 341. We leave a little buffer incase we can’t record or something happens.


Oh nevermind then. I was speaking about episodes 317-319. Enjoy Thriller Bark then :)


Sorry guys for being a bore, your reactions are very great, but I just can't with these subtitles. Words cannot describe how inaccurate they are and how many misstranslation there are. And there are a lot of words that the characters didn't say, it gives a false idea. I hope you change the subtitles.


I’ll take a look and see what happened. Normally its fine i think and we wouldn’t know till the comments

Joseph C Gdaniec

yeah I know you guys are getting close to catching up but I would recommend going with a Crunchyroll membership for remaining episodes tbh. Most fan-sub sites like this are not nearly as accurate


We use crunchyroll at the moment (People complain about the accuracy of that too 😭😭)