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Had a lot of theories about the Merry....I was wrong on just about all if it...this is truly truly a surprise.  DOPE episode though....these Straw Hats!


one piece 310-312 uncut

Watch "one piece 310-312 uncut" on Streamable.



To be honest, i am hyped about every episode this week. All of them are great. I was surprised how much a show was able to make me care about a ship..^^

Curtis Rice

I've seen that scene in 312 over a dozen times and i still cry.


No matter how many times I've seen it or how many years pass this scene breaks me every time.

David Lohnicky

I'm bad with goodbyes and farewells, so this breaks my heart everytime.... .... anyway, ty for reacxtion ! :] take care


It was the reflection of fire in those tears. While they remember all the rides with Merry. Let's go toward future arcs


I would say even though you entered like modern type of shonen for the series. But one piece obviously doesn't follow battle shonen most of the time. When you enter a new arc, most of the time 90% will be world building, like sight seeing, talking, mindset of the villains etc. One piece won't jump into fighting like few episodes later. Hopefully you like the world building of one piece as it's like 90% of the series


Yea. That’s ok with with me. I actually like the wisdom from characters, dope one liners, seeing real life inspiration, humor from my favorites, it has a lot to offer and that grows with my investment in characters. They got me to care about a SHIP! Lol


love you guys reactions! welcome to the family! the boat scene has made every true fan tear up or cry. It makes me appreciate the efforts Oda went through to convey the emotions from the Characters. this is not a action anime. its a anime telling a beautiful story. more great things to come! on with the next episode! you haven't seen nothing! lol! I honest wouldn't mind review video on how you feel about one piece so far after this milestone.


I haven't even started watching the reaction yet and I almost started tearing up just imagining the Merry scene in my head.


I'm sure it's been mentioned into oblivion at this point, but the Klabautermann is a real world myth. It only becomes visible to the crew of a doomed ship.


I think there are some references to the Myth in Sponge Bob too lol. Being from Europe i actually knew about Klabautermann long before i ever watched One Piece. Its a rather well known Seaman myth in central europe/germany. Usually its a Kobold (Gremlin?!) or Ghost who warns the Captain of danger, and sometimes also plays tricks or pranks on the crew.


RIP Merry


Dear Roshi, Tears bring in the revenue, cheers

Kamui (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-24 23:44:03 RIP MERRY, forever in our memories <33333
2021-01-29 13:47:44 RIP MERRY, forever in our memories <33333

RIP MERRY, forever in our memories <33333


I've never been a huge fan of the Merry saving the day here but 99% of people LOVE IT. I do think its a bit BS but at least it has been hinted at that ships have a soul or spirit of some kind a few times and will come to love a crew that loves their ship etc. On Skypiea, and Franky spoke about it to Usopp as well, so it's just enough that I can look past it and enjoy the moment