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redo of healer ep 2 uncut

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i actually enjoyed the anime maybe because i liked the revenge plot and story, i was completely fine with all the scenes didnt bother me one bit, in fact its these animes that are willing to ride and or cross the boundry line is why we get better anime and darker story based anime because their willing to take risks, so im 100% fine with this anime


He might be the greatest healer but it would seem that he does not realize how truly broken he is. If you do not know you are broken how can you possibly attempt to heal yourself? Also this was bad but I would assume people did this a lot in the past, violating other people for one reason or another. It is just bad.


Yall said she didnt deserve rape and that was too far but since this is from 2 years ago, I guess you already found out what more she did to him before. Also, you said how he should torture her instead of rape but you should remember that he has to feel all the pain of whatever torture he does when he heals her to keep her alive. So, putting that hot rod and sawing her head off and all that hmm yeah I dont wanna feel that. And her feeling pain when he rapes her, it was her first time even tho it wasn't shown in anime.

Jarvis Fowlkes

I've seen this series already and I'm amazed something like this is anime it's more adult theme and it won't be fir everyone I mean I think the MC is justified just because how he was treated and violated himself


This is just my take on it and I've gotten a lot of shit for it but the rape doesn't need to be there I get it there was absolutely horrible shit done to him and does he deserve revenge yes but there's a point where you cross the line and are no better than the person who you're taking your revenge on.


I don’t think it’s needed for a great story. I agree. Like it’s set up for a dope show plot aside from It


You really think our main character has his sanity left. And the stuff done to him doesn't even cover it that well in anime compared to manga. His mind is fucked already and he will mess up everyone for his revenge.


Apparently it gets worse. I can't say I know for a fact but just from what I've read up on others saying who know more about it that's what they say. So not really sure how it ends up going but me personally I just don't find this kind of anime enjoyable


Really guys the kick in D was too much. Not the raping by male knights, females...torture, making him drug addict. BUT that one kick to D was too much :D. Yeah our MC is insane having gone through that shit twice (remember he has his memories from first life). Anyone defending here the princess need to really revalue how they see this revenge and it's justified in this fantasy story. Of course I would never condone anyone doing this, but I am 100% behind Keyaru that he can do whatever he wants in his insane mind and have right to do it. ps. If you continue this then expect this kind of revenge scenes more. So really think do you want to go through with these reactions.


Well do em as Long as we have some interest. Want to remind folks. No commitments ha. But yeah. The kick was icing on an already sweet cake lol. Ha. Juuuuust didn’t need it.

Jerid Glasspoole

Goblin hunter is not bad at all, Hell Berserk is 10 time worse than that.


Btw YBRL I want to say sorry, Director was more White Knight than you. So Director white knight and you are like grey knight :D


What can I say...what he is doing is obviously wrong, BUT the princess fucking deserved it. Aslo...hey it's an anime. It is nice to follow the perspective of the villan from time to time...just this time there are no good people in the story. MC is a fucking monster, but they made him into one


😭😭😭. I’m actually relieved. That was too much pressure. I showed Erza. Like. “They they i am pure or something “. Haha.

Daniel Borrego

I would be fine with this revenge if he didnt erase her memory. It kinda doesnt make sense at that point because the person who did all this to you died with the memories. This is basically him kidnappiing some random woman and enslaving her.

Daniel Borrego

the only way i could see it being justified is if he can give her back her memories again at some point. then that would be a proper revenge. make her live a love him as a peasant woman.

Peacefinder Simply

i'm worried because it gets worse apparently and i could barely handle that.


In all honesty, if you experienced EVERYTHING he experienced and still wont do something similar to what he did when you have the chance, then I will admit that you are a better person then I could ever be.

Peacefinder Simply

i have no idea what i would do, i guess its a matter of if i was mentally broken or not which i can guess i likely would be.


Just read about 27 chapters after watching this episode. Bruuuuuh, its on some other sht. Lawd.

Jarvis Fowlkes

Okay so your saying they didn't cross the line with him how he was raped repeatedly over 6 months ?


Ahh this is just the icing on the cake lmfaooo 😭 I don't know how far the anime will go but reading the manga towards what's available left me with my jaw open for 2 pages LMFAO


But yea i agree with y'all in I can watch or read a series that's twisted and has terrible themes and not try and justify anything done in it. When you try and justify crude actions as a result of crude actions it really just doesn't work.

Mr. KilzoRising

I love you guys. Thank you for being real. Like you said, it's not as bad as everyone says. Even in the later parts. Also, 6 months of all this in his second life, but in his first life according to the manga, it was 4 years. They didnt mention that in the anime unfortunately.


I swear this man literally was getting raped for years in his past life and raped, drugged, abused for months in this life. That’s what she gets man, what happened here doesn’t even compare tbh. Except for the erasing her memories and stuff that was unnecessary, you not even punishing her because she don’t even exist.


That’s the wildest twist to it. Now she truly appears sweet and innocent on too of that


Those reactions make this show even better haha! Reminder, the anime was REALLY tame when they showed what Keyaru had to go through for YEARS in the manga. But just like Dnasty said, the last part is too much. Its not that bad, Berserk is much worse (but Berserk has a fantastic story) Understandable if you dont finish the series, but for now, amazing reaction!

Grelk (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-24 23:44:10 Any ETA on ep 3?
2021-01-28 03:02:27


None to be honest. Mostly because Director schedule lol. We’ll try on this series when we can. It’s the only series not on our calendar ha. But I’m interested in more