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Hey Guys, just given an update, the bulk of our content has about 2 weeks for pre recorded content. So like when Season 2 of something is ending now, we'd already had been in season 3 and can't really change anything once the suggestions kick in or helpful reminders.  For example, we are 5 episodes into cautious hero already lol.    We adopted this strategy for the Corona Virus, we are prepared to go 2 weeks in quarantine with the ability to sprinkle in content.  (side note it also has avoided spoilers)  Erza and I live together, so we only have a one week buffer on one piece, in case her job (nursing) gets demanding.  This also may be why i noticed her enjoyment of one piece and being less tired as improved, she's not working those extra shifts like she used to.  Anyways...Thanks guys, just thought i'd explain.  

Some may ask why not drop Cautious Hero now.  We also don't want burn out, by over releasing and not being able to rest some times.

IT ALSO allowed some rest for the Holidays with videos already pre recorded.



good plan


Appreciate the update!