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Attack On Titan S4 ep 4 uncut.mp4

Watch "Attack On Titan S4 ep 4 uncut.mp4" on Streamable.



My own thoughts for the "solution" went for world war 2 Final Solution, which was nazis deciding to slaughter the judes. Willy I feel is not a good person and is the main enemy of this story, it was revealed now that his family Tybur's are actually the ones leading Marley.


Heh. You know the funny part? Your post-video discussion. I totaly agree with the girls on facts, but conclusion from said facts is a total 180 xD. The "endless" shows like One Piece, are just art for art sake. They are shallow, empty inside, often "brainless" with no inside logic or continuity. Now compare it to the TRUE masterpieces. Shows that are pre-planned and plot is so great you HAVE TO watch next episode as soon as possible. The shows where every little detail is intended, where world is endless, but the story have begining and end. The shows you can write endless essays abaut. The shows you can sit down and think abaut to truly admire its genious writing...yes, that are the real timeless masterpieces...there are very few of them tho. Writing good story "like One Piece" is easier. Just create characters people would love, some basic storylane, and the rest almost writes itself. Meanwhile ammount of dedication and planning behind making a TRUE masterpiece is on another lvl, and if you fail, all these resources are wasted.


Bro I also think AoT and FMAB are top tier but to say OP is of lesser quality because it’s more comedic and focuses on different aspects is like saying Dave chapels is brainless because he’s w comedian, my guy came to compare an adult seiner to a shounen anime with adult themes, so better than belittling other shows, if you think other anime aren’t preplanned then idk what else to say to you apart from your thoughts are heavily biased. Not everyone wants to watch an anime about war with so many real world attachments, don’t be such a judgemental PoS. One piece and a kingdom and AoT sell as much because they do so well in hitting it out the park for their target audience. And wow if you think OP isn’t planned even when there are photos of his logbooks(planning books) he writes decades ahead, then you’re in fact reaching


I was reading y’all comments. I guess what i was trying to say I don’t compare an anime like One Piece against AOT I’d do AOT/Full Metal/Code Geas One Piece/MHA/Naruto The reason is Anime with an immediate ending in site tend to not “waste” moments. It’s a concise story. One big objective and we are done. The Others like DBZ/One Piece don’t have an immediate purpose. They are generally for the writer to continuously tell stories and not have to make new Anime everytime lol. World Building. So with my car example, now that i had time to think. It’s like comparing a Truck to a Car. You can’t say one is better. Each is practical for a particular objective. And even among cars we having cars meant for speed, fuel efficiency, etc.


Side note, I avoid those kinds of comments personally but the ladies are speaking free not thinking of “consequences”. I kind of think it’s neat to leave on film and share just on patreon. These are the talks we’d have off camera anyways. I figured this audience would be cool.


i agree with the girls. AoT is the most stressful anime to watch for me but i love it. while One Piece i've watched dozens of times but i still get teary eyed everytime with the same scenes over and over again making it the best anime for me.