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I'm embarrassed i had an orgasm at like 12:39....i have no idea why i do that during these intense moments...but Godsuya is FLEXING fam...Don't touch his sister!

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the irregular at magic school ep 24 uncut.mp4

Watch "the irregular at magic school ep 24 uncut.mp4" on Streamable.


Rick James

It was mentioned previously during the conversation between Major Kazama and the Kudo Patriach that Tatsuya is an asset that is held back by multiple locks, otherwise the power he holds would be too big of a responsibility for him to manage by himself (imagine getting angry and destroying an entire country on accident)


That´s what they have been saying all this time, you don´t mess with his sister or even close to her..

Iejir Isk

insert matrix meme: "Blonde, Brunette, Redhead" And, yea. Jumonji is a beast, taking out the supersonic rockets in a flash.


Was waiting for it wait I'm Always waiting for something :)


you guys actually missed it But just before Godsuya Massacre every one in the room he Says to Leo that they use Anty Magic Shell in there Gun So They are Actually Very dangerous even for mage the cops was getting shot by a normal gun I guess


In tactical Map like they showed Red Zone Are literally RED ZONE ( with Fire power / danger) XD


Ok I'm Going to Say That now For Jumonji as an exemple Magic School Is in the name of the Anime Yes BUT if a new Thing like magic came out of nowhere pretty sure "Adult" would want to Study it or might be better at it than Young people What I'm Saying is That You can be A Student (Study) and not being under the age of 18. It Is Magic we are talking about :)


Btw what we see on this episode, what Miyuki did is removing just one limiter ;) Godsuya is too dangerous for earth and for the Yotsuba familly without any limiter and since they don't say it I will add even the fact that Miyuki herself is even stronger when she remove the limiter she has on him because to be simple she use a lot of magic power to suppress a lot of his magic power XD all of that was hinted in the 9 schools competition you even catch it in the conversation between them before the final fight of Godsuya and crimson prince , and remember it's no spoil the Major did say that if prince is an zntire regiment of armored Soldier then Godsuya is a nuke


So funny how you guys were so over hyped in this episode. You boys went crazy and your brains weren't working normally, well at least Nasty was brain dead at the end :D


Maybe less capitals on every single word when you write, people can understand major points without you making it annoying to read what you write. Sorry for complaining, but was hurting my eyes with every second word in capital letter.

John A.

A-chan's spell is serious business, which is why she was so hesitant to use it. Her spell affects people's minds on a very large scale. That is why Mayumi needed to promise to take responsibility when she uses the spell to calm the arena.