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he's gone....there is no evidence that he was ever here...LMAO...i said that line with a straight face...lol...

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the irregular at magic school ep 19 uncut.mp4

Watch "the irregular at magic school ep 19 uncut.mp4" on Streamable.



lol you scared me you almost started eps 20 at one point


they remove emotion by magic from him but he was normal at some point not like a was born like that (they did say that his only emotion is for his sister so he is Chained to her and can't attack or betray the Yotsuba family well exept if Miyuki go Gangsta with him


the password system can backfire in someway, if you change it every now and then, imagine if this is my last month for a while and you happened to change the password 2x between that time doesn't that make me unable to view the posts from the first change? and if you are going to provide every pass that you used then that doesn't change anything. Example I came to patreon to see the Uncut of Overlord but by the time I became a member you had already finished reacting to it, if you had the password maybe i wouldn't have be able to see it. not saying it will happen because it depends on how you do it


no you both are wrong


Can't download the video using Vimeo Video downloader anymore because of the pass. Really annoying.


Got it to download by going to the vimeo site directly and not just from the embedded patreon video. So I'm good with the pass now. XD

Iejir Isk

So, yea. I have thought about Lucifer when I saw that thinking about this show :P think is one Nasty would like, for a few reasons :P


Episode had crazy amount of information...episode ends guys talking about the booty


lmao!!! we came back to the topic at hand but the booty man...we can't miss any details when possible


I've noticed you guys (Director Nasty mainly) ignore explanations for the shows concepts (while the show is actively explaining said concept to you no less) in favor of your own outlandish, nonsensical and baseless explanations instead. What's up with that?


Uhhh. Sounds a little insulting more than a question. Obviously to us, (him) it’s not baseless outlandish because it’s inspired by the show from our perspective. Would you prefer a version where silently watch and call it a day? I dunno. But I enjoy what we do


Not quite what I was referring to. What I'm referring to specifically is how you guys have a tendency to ignore the show itself while the show/characters are actively explaining its concepts in that moment. The only reason I bring it up at all is because I noticed both of you often get lost in the shows concepts, which could be alleviated quite a bit by letting characters finish their explanations for the shows more difficult and confusing concepts, since this show is a bit of a thinker with tons of info being delivered even in seemingly insignificant scenes. My usage of, "outlandish, nonsensical and baseless" was a bit harsh, so my apologies if it came off as insulting. As for that last bit, my answer is a definitive "no". We would be getting into suzy lu territory if you guys simply sat there in silence, and I definitely wouldn't be here if that were case. Hopefully this clarified what I meant.


My bad too lol. Could read the tone well ha. Well the simple answer is balancing entertaining commentary with absorbing the information.


I Don't think that there was some conspiracy that they were working on the same project. This show has been trying to depict the magic system as one of scientific origin. In the scientific community there are always "hot topics" that, seemingly, everyone is working on. I think that's kind of what's going on here. Also, I don't think Tatsuya has been all that cloak and dagger about his research. After all, Miyuki did just stroll up on him in what looked like a community research room as he was doing his research. He's already made it on everybody's radar so I doubt people are just ignoring what he is interested in. That's my theory about it.