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This was the begging of understanding Wiper. Haha. Someone commented stop hating wiper 2020. Lol! Had to give me one more episode fam. Lol.


one piece 180-181 uncut

Watch "one piece 180-181 uncut" on Streamable.


johnny reefer

Wyper is the single best side character in all of one piece. Followed by two characters youve yet to meet


I am going to make a prediction right now. Before the next year is over, this will have become your favourite TV show. Can't wait to see that unfold.


I think erza forgot that the filler was before Zoro learned how to cut steel. He learned that in his fight with Mr 1. Now we are after that point he has become a lot stronger since the alabaster ark.

johnny reefer

stupid anime filler contradicting canon and making it confusing. the filler doesn't exist. Zoro's first time cutting steel was vs Mr.1. The filler never existed in the actual story. but it doesn't matter for the cage which was made of seastone..(its why luffy kept losing his strength). which is said to be unbreakable.


LMAO "I have absolute faith in Nami" not even two seconds later she betrays that trust.


Yeah no way she would seriously ditch them after Arlong park.