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maaaaaan.....We really didn't believe Aqua, we blurred that fact that she said it was prank with her trying to water down a story...Any ways...Glory to aqua y'all...this was a dope finale
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konosuba s2 ep 10 uncut.mp4

Watch "konosuba s2 ep 10 uncut.mp4" on Streamable.



perhaps it turns out that the devil king is someone aqua sent to that world since she is so dumb

Tijay Carroll

well it wasn't a prank the town just thought it was. the 1st one she legit just wanted to take a bath, but she auto purfiy just by touching it


You guys MUST watch the movie now! "Legend of Crimson" it serves as a sequel and it's HILARIOUS!!! Like if Konosuba is a 9/10 comedy the movie is a 10/10


lol, we have been working out this streaming for the for movie...I'm 4 days in and I'm ready to throw this computer! lol


the OVAs are hilarious too


Yep, recommend checking out the two OVAs and the Legend of Crimson movie


Aqua would not prank her own followers, she is a water goddes after all. She might have sensed the slight pollution in the water before it got worse, and being her, her purification is to strong. And it was never mentioned in the series, or the movie. The hot springs did not turn to regular water, it all got turned to high grade holy water. Wich speed up healing, so the town got even more famous and money.


yes you should see the oav it's verry good and just 2 episode i think and the movie for sure :)

Daniel Borrego

Im starting to think that a) aqua brought the devil king to this world. he was probably like that guy who invented all those messed up things and b) megumins cat is the devil king.