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yoooo we really thought the package got Aqua! lmao
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konosuba s2 ep 7 uncut.mp4

Watch "konosuba s2 ep 7 uncut.mp4" on Streamable.



Canonically kazuma is above average wont say anymore than that, read the lns And yeah its what Tbush said


the stack of cash slapping had me weak 🤣


I read the smirk on her face when she saw his package in the previous episode as "heh, tiny" Aqua views Kaz as a petty or small-minded, and the expectation there is small dick energy. It met her expectations, so she smirked. I think If he was big, Aqua's expectations would be subverted, so she'd be surprised. It's funnier if "Holy Sword Excalibur" is used ironically to describe a tiny dick.

Joshua W Capute

I'm pretty sure Vanir knows and has known since he took over Keele's dungeon that Aqua is really a Goddess because of the power of the circle she left when purifying Keele as well as when he read Kazuma's mind he could tell that Kazuma is indeed not from this work world, but instead has come here because of/with the real Water Goddess Aqua from Japan. That dig at her barrier being decent for a "Human's" was specifically meant for her Goddess pride which he knows is already hurt by no one believing her and Kazuma always lying about it lol What's interesting now though is that now 2 of the Demon King Army's Generals are now essentially neutral yet both have actively and willingly helped Kazuma out in a very serious way. Wiz in particular seems to think pretty highly of Kazuma, having confidence in his actions while putting up with his bs and continuing to respect him more than the other girls do; while Vanir obviously took to him quickly as well through whatever he saw when reading his mind, so much so that he initiated buying Kazuma's mental knowledge of items from the world he came from that don't exist in this world for a fortune to manufacture and sell in this world. Also don't know if you've noticed yet but try to remember where you've seen Eris before, as her secret with Kazuma last episode was more significant than he realizes and is made out to be...


The holy sword Excalibur which has never been pulled