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One Piece 122-123 Uncut

Watch "One Piece 122-123 Uncut" on Streamable.



Hello, last time you send "ep 120-121" but the video was 118-119, the title was wrong. So today sould be 120-121.


Their reaction last time was 120-121 but the video window was playing 118-119. This video is the correct pairing of reacting to 122-123 and the correct episodes. All that needs to happen the the episodes displayed in the 120-121 video need to be changed to 120 and 121


Idk if u guys have already recorded it but 124,125,126 imo are better done together

Water Rob

Loved this reaction (really wishing I could see the prior 2). Ezra is scaring me a bit with her predictions. Also, really loved the respect you're putting on Vivi's name at the end. If no one told you guys already, you probably want to do 3 in a row.

Water Rob

Disregard the episode recommendation (i can't do math). I agree with Arashi, 124-126 are best viewed together


Want to say what you were talking about in the opening, about a person dying and wanting to know what the story ending is. The author of One Piece went to hospital to tell that person how One Piece will end, so he was/is a rare person who learned what One Piece is. That is all I know, RIP for that person if not anymore around.


about about I release 124-125 and 126 -127 at the same time? we usually record 4 episodes ahead of our drops


i heard that too and conflicting stories...but that's dope if they really really did do that. that would be nice.

Joseph C Gdaniec

so they aren't making Vivi look weak, that is a bad interpretation of what is going on. Vivi might be strong, but she is a regular human. She is currently tired and freaking out about the bomb and the potential death of her people, I think tripping while frantically searching is not a show of weakness


They are making her look weak to me. That’s my perception. But I think the best explanation is the Anime is stretching out time. I hear in the Manga she hardly tripped. They do the same thing with a character Rebecca to extend the scene while a homie with one leg isn’t tripping 😳. Based on the feats i see from regular humans. I think my opinion is fair and reinforced in later seasons.