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Overlord finale! It’s the reason we upgraded our streaming service lol. It’s like a full movie!

Anyways it was supposed to post yesterday but i got mixed up with the days of the week.

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Overlord Season 3 Episode 12-13 Uncuts.mp4

Watch "Overlord Season 3 Episode 12-13 Uncuts.mp4" on Streamable.



I would watch if you re-watched the show in dub. I would even watch it for every episode. This finale shows that even just Ainz or just one of the Floor Guardians could take out an entire country by themselves lol. Gazef(RH) wasn’t a part of the Thirteen Heroes. They were powerful people that appeared 200 years ago to fight the Evil Deities. Some of them along with the 8 Greed Kings(Appeared 500 years ago and almost conquered the whole world; believed to be the ones to teach the New Worlders Tier Magic) and the 6 Great Gods(Appeared 600 years ago and created the Slane Theocracy; They left Children behind and you have seen their descendants in the anime. Slane Theocracy calls them Godkin. They are much more powerful than regular New Worlders but still weaker than Ainz and the Floor Guardians.) are believed by Ainz to be Players. This was all stuff that the Anime skipped but are amazing details.

Peacefinder Simply

Personally I don't like re watching series period, if i can i would rather watch a recap of some sort. What make some enjoy series is excited about whats to come and when i already know its bland. The same goes with reactions, I like blind reactions. Its cool to see people being caught of guard and or speculating. I know a lot of people would be happy to watch more of your content no matter what though.


You could also watch videos from a youtube channel that explains about the Overlord series and its characters. Videos talking about their power, skills and how they were created and their personalities. You can really understand alot of things from watching the videos. The link to the playlist is : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcX4f6aL0Iah5K7fE9ot9LQeAxdZ9zyQy I hope you can react to it and post it on here or on youtube, because the information it gives helps out alot to understand more about the series. There are 2/3 episodes that can only be undestood if you read the Light Novel, but instructive nonetheless.


I'm in. I never finished my "dub re-watch", cuz vol 14 came out, so it will be cool to do it with you :)


Nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope. Or w8, this playlist is spoiler free...probably...but don't go there. Heavy spoilers are...everywhere else...and probably in coments too


Honestly. We’ll probably do it via webcame as a patreon exclusive and leave it like that since we want to watch it anyways. Less formal than our normal content since its a pure passion project


A bit of cleaning up of first half of the finalle. "Baby goats" are straight up children of "eldrich god". They are Lofecraftian monsters in flesh. Abaut the spell itself. This ISN'T Ainzs strongest spell. To be honest it's one of the weakest (of Super Tier Magic, known in New World, as Magic of the Gods). It kills all targets in the area, as offering for eldrich god, and based on number of kills summons "baby goats". Why this spell is very very very weak? Oh thats simple. Super long cast time, and party-wide shared cd for super tier magic, for super low chance of instant kill (of something of "normal" lvl), and you have to kill lot of things for every goat. There were ways to do it tho. Either "as intended" by pulling a shit ton of lowlvl mobs, or by combo with 10th tier spell "Armagedon Evil". It spawns shit ton of low lvl demons, who are hostile to everyone...I went a bit off topic...anyway. "The goats" are lvl 90+, and have huge HP bar. In terms of pure tankynes they are among the strongest things in the game. They are "living fortresses". Oh and the most important thing...this massacre is comonly known as "the splat" in overlord comunity. The name comes from sound of every single step of these monsters. Bodys litteraly splated with every step.


Aaand a bit of explaining abaut the second part of a finalle. From the begining. There is huge pararel between this episode and s1 finalle. I will explain it in detail under re-watch. (haha, now you have to record it! 200IQ plays!) Now abaut the duel itself. Ainz showed the most respect possible to RH. Even if you don't count honoring all his wishes. 1. Not taking any gear 2. Sparing everyone else 3. Killing him permamently. What he did was the highest lvl possible combo ever, and the main reason why in high-end PvP you have to have time-magic preventing methods. Only the best of the best were able to do this. And what was that exacly? that simple. Time Stop [Spell that stops time, for everyone but you, when time is stopped you can do whatever you want BUT everyone is immune]. Delay Magic (a buff to spell like maximize, double, or triple), that causes it to activate some time after cast. [insert instant death skill here]. But wait, isn't oponent immune when time is stopped? Yes he is, thats why Delay Magic is important. The best of the best (Ainz among them) mastered timing of this to the point instant death spell goes off exacly at the milisecond Time Stop ends. The instant death spell he used "True Death" is the most powerfull insta-kill spell in the game (ok, one of the most powerfull). You have to touch target to use it BUT in exchange it's the only spell with 100% succes rate AND you can't resurect...technicly you can, there is 10th tier holy spell "True Resurection" capable of overpowering it, but noone can cast it, so RH is dead dead for good. Now something abaut RH gear. Ecerything he wears here are "insane ultimate powerfull items" known aslo as "trash drops". It makes him undefeatable tho. He is constantly healing himself, have unlimited stamina, and some more minor buffs. The sword...the sword is a different story. "This sword is amazing" wasn't a bluff. I can't tell why, just in case vol 14 gets animated, but this sword is probably the most powerfull weapon we had seen in Overlord.


Just want to say I’ve only seen the anime first but ains did say that sword can kill him. Also I do believe brain is being build up for something because every season his being show getting stronger or character growth, so I can see him killing ains at the end. Last point is main characters that are evil always end with them dying. I mean look at light.


The thing is in Dub some Key element are just not there they just skip it or not as precise as Good old traduction by fan

Iejir Isk

i don't know if i'd wanna see another full non-blind reaction, but an edited one. But, i'd about jump at Ple Ple Pleaides. I will say Momonga's english VA is about perfect. As befitting the Supreme One that brought the Sumpreme ones together. Yea, Ainz about drove the Emporer mad. He was always spying on him to learn how to lead. And, the Kingdom has an issue. Every year during harvest, they have to pull the farmers off their fields to defend the land. (quite intentionally an evilish plan by emporer, but not a bad plan to eventually win.) I would say, Fluder is betraying him, and if Ainz told him to, he would absolutely throw Jirev under the bus. I don't know if he'd go out of his way to do so, without instruction. I mean, when people talk about a bomb being powerful, how do you think they imagined the A-bomb, or H-bomb...Is no different than seeing Ainz as a powerful weapon. The emprorer did suggest turning one of the guardians against Ainz. Which, Demiurge saw through before they even sent the delegation to the Empire. And, that world item issue, is why Ainz and his people have world items on them. Ainz is paranoid, not overly stupid. The Empire has a standing army of well trained fighters, but each loss is more significant than an equal number of Kingdom soldiers. So, they can't field as large an army. But, due to Emporer's guile, they pull the conscripts once most important. And have been for years. Yea, Raeven was a social climber. Married for prestige, and all. However, once he had a son, it all changed. And, here in the LN... is about 2 pages of: 'SPLAT SPLAT SPLAT SPLAT SPLAT SPLAT SPLAT SPLAT' Not counting how scary death knights are, they actually radiate a fear aura, too. And, the undead are known to hate the living. I mean, if you were used to seeing spells, then all of a sudden you saw a glow from who you believe to be powerful that you can see across a battlefield... I'd run too. Hey, Cthulu references... and the cute baby goats. Mare so adorable~ Also, 0 Empire soldiers died to Ainz or the Kingdom... 100% of their losses? trampled in running from the baby goat. Well, the King is gonna lose a lot of his gain from taking the front lines in the fight with Jaldebaoth. Since then, he has had no choice in basically anything excpept perhaps his choice of dinner. If the King left before he did, it woulda dropped morale. granted, that was a moot point, but hard to anticipate Shib-Niggurat helping so much. It just gave him a little push, is all. Not even a love tap. Yea, RH was one of the people the goats were told not to attack. (The king. And Climb and Brain are subordinates of Renner I believe are the other 3) Ainz did call them adorable baby goats. Ainz actually really does respect Gazef. One of the major sayings of the guild Ainz Ooal Gown is a biblical reference. 'man has no greater love than this, that one lay down his life for his comrades.' (remember Victim?, also, recall Carne.) He's not doing this necessarily for "his" 10,000 year plan. So... Gazef is kinda more paragon than Picard, Shephard, and Ed Stark. Ainz doesn't particularly care about world domination. He wants the name out there. I find it cute you think it'll take 30s for the duel. Well, they aren't of Nazarick. He does care about those, for various reasons. I do like his reply to 'Are you a demon?'; "Do not misunderstand. I am undead." Though, in terms of the stop time, Gazef is perfectly immune while that's up. His timing is perfect to time that. Well practiced. Gazef does have a point, with his reasoning. The enemy leader doesn't have his subordinates, and is in range of my sword. So, there is a chance I can kill him and stop more atrocities. Even a pyrric victory for him, will uphold the countries honor, and populace. Also, Ainz did kill well over 80,000 farmers. What should he think an undead, who hates the living, to do with his people? And, there is something about the king's champion backing down due to a bully. The episode name, is a callback to the first season PvN when Ainz fought Shallchair. However, Brain... his reason for living for this long, has been to surpass Gazef. Also, Gazef is doing it so Climb and Brain can see what Ainz can do. And, if Gazef didn't act as he did here, I'd be disappointed. Well, Ainz was willing to purify the body so he could be resurrected, but Gazef already said he didn't want that. I actually really feel for the King... best ally and friend gone; son and heir, gone; ally spy in the nobles: gone; The really sad thing, is even with all the evil and intolerable acts, the people in the kingdom of Ainz Ooal Gown actually have it rather good. would those death knights carrying Ainz be pallbearers? I think that's fasted anyone I've seen realized something was off with Momon. YOu figure out what happened? Why Batman and Bruce Wayne are in the same room together? Rather, how? Ainz so wise to make Momon for just this reason. Because of course he can see this far ahead. Well, the raid to Nazarack was also a Casus belli. Well, the king really didn't have a choice. if he rolled over, then what's stopping from someone else taking more territory. Or, from a noble taking the crown. I mean, Brain did attack and hit Shalltear. with that weapon, from what Ainz said, that weapon CAN cut through even AInz. So, in theory, Brain could kill Shalltear if she didn't take him seriously. Ainz did say 'That weapon can kill me. So, we have established the very basics of a duel.' He wanted it. However, he respected Gazef. He didn't say it had the same ability. Just that the data-load (or magic), was equal to the dagger. The sword had an ability to cut through AInz, though. 'The protaganist always wins'... Subaru would like some words with you. And, tbh, I'm leaning with Yaboy on Brain v Ainz... that sword + flash + whistling wind. And, humans in the world are kinda weak... other creatures are more powerful potentially.


CGI was pretty bad in episode 12, but it's hard to do 70 000 people on screen. CGI failed to really show that to viewers, should have had some kind of bird overview of 70k dead on the floor before the Shub Niggurath spell started to effect =) Kugane Maruyama Author of Overlord (small profile of him). Having given up his dream to be a writer, he worked as a normal company employee, but when his RPG group declined when the members got too busy, the frustration of those stymied ambitions combined with his desire to write the best story he could, which led to him posting Overlord online 2010. It became popular with some kindhearted people and got made into a book. In other words, he's a modern-day Cinderella (although he looks like a pig wearing a suit). -Profile quote from Book 1 of Overlord


I haven't read too far in LN not even passed yet anime seasons. I really wish Brain will somehow mess up with Shalltear more in future, even learn enough to hurt her. I really doubt he will ever do more than that and that would be superhuman success already.

Phonic Reassignment

Y’all forgetting brain and climb don’t know about sebas truely. Also every weapon is stronger than that sword in nazerick also ainz weapon is the staff if he’s not using or carrying that staff he is no where near 100%, every weapon he used against shalltear is stronger every weapon featured via npc is stronger I don’t think there’s any worry about that sword.

Phonic Reassignment

Meh ainz’s weapon is the staff which is the strongest weapon he didn’t even use against shalltear because that would just be cheating, every weapon he personally used against shalltear is stronger than that sword so I don’t think any of them have anything to worry about. Shalltear was effected by a world item and was killed by ainz she didn’t lose to any weapon and technically she won against a world item. He fought shalltear with a handicap and that handicap is not having his staff with him. If she let her guard down and brain cuts her in half which is a slim chance we already know shalltear has an OP ability to heal or revive ainz sliced her in half about 6-7 times in their fight.


I can't wait for the dub reaction

KRB Letho

maybe when the 4 season is announced you can watch the dub to refresh, but im not gonna lie i would watch everything now if you did it now


OH what an idea Noice


Well now have watched fully again your Overlord reactions. Was funny still, maybe your best as you are so excited on every episode. Season 4 will be amazing and there will be movie, I think know what story will be full movie...and can say one thing "Dragons".

Phonic Reassignment

Nazarick has the most World Items and ainz definitely has counter World class Items ever sense Shalltear got hit by one somewhere near or around before entering the New World even lingering around Nazarick outside the great 20 WCI Nazarick as like 11 of the top WCI with the most powerful ones being completely guarded and the others in possession of Maxed level NPC's and Ainz himself

Phonic Reassignment

the funny thing is this creatures summoned are like level 90 and mare could probably solo all five. its why ainz refers to the babies as adorable baby goats. ainz and shalltear's fight was played down in the anime in the LN ainz used cool World class items against shalltear during their battle like blades that cut on their own and unlimited blade amounts so like 100-1000 blades that constantly slash without being wielded and even with that the fight was still almost lost.


Finally caught up with the Overlord reactions. It was an entertaining ride. Lee still thinking good will prevail in the end. I'm with Nasty on this one.


They call it Player vs Player as a call back to the season 1 finale Player vs Non-Player Character.


Brain was already training Climb as previously mentioned by Gazef.