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Rezero 7 Uncut Reaction.mp4

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The end scene of this episode is the single most important moment of Re:Zero. Thats the moment where the best (in my humble opinion) side story in the history of side storys could happend. Rewatch the scene. There is single hint of it in anime. Behold Oboreru - Re:Zero Wrath IF Story. I strongly recomend reading this on your own after s2 (it have some very minor, but always, spoilers). It's only abaut 120 pages long. So the most simplified version possible: Subaru with help of Beatrice fight Ram. [fight itself isn't shown, only the end] Ram covered in wounds is choking Subaru with her bare hands. Beacuse of her wounds she collapsed before she could finish him. In return Subaru picked up a large stone and "The sound of something hitting something hard, in the snow-blanketed forest slowly, slowly echoed". From that point Subaru goes down the spiral of fear, anger, and madness, leading one of the most infamous crime syndycates under the alias of "The Purge King". So thats pretty much it, for the rest you have to read it for yourself. Only one last "fun fact" IF someone anoyed "The Purge King Subaru" even in the slightest, he decides the fate of that individual by tossing a coin, and that includes his own ppl, so noone is safe around him. There are total of 6 side storys like that. All taking the name of one of Cardinal Sins. However the "Lust IF" story is super low quality, and was an April Fools joke, removed day after. On the other hand "Sloth IF" is a new series of its own with new chapters every year. PS. I will mark the points where What IF storys begin, together with brief summary of "what happend" there. Only exception of this rule will be the Pride IF story, beacuse I litteraly can't say anything abaut it other than "it is there" wihout any spoilers AND what's even more important ruining some of Directors wieldest theorys, and we all are here for them. Am I right bois? It can't be only I love this mad speculations, that are all over the place in terms of "being close to the truth" xD

Iejir Isk

On phone so short. Technically, rem only killed him once. And I see a very good reason for Ram to kill him. Spy + curse + witch's favor. You ever faceplant so hard you woke up in the past?

Iejir Isk

"on my phone, so going to be short, not a book"