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We went ahead and combined as this was a lot more talking than usual and felt it needed to be one.


Overlord Season 2 Episode 2-3.mp4

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The reason they are attacking the Lizardman was meantioned in the last moments of the last episode of season 1, which is to create an army to protect Nazarick. We know that human corpeses create an undead around lvl 40 and after Aura found the villages of the Lizardman, Albedo sugested to use this oportunity to experiment with the Lizardman corpeses and see if they are as powerful or more powerful (basicly to see if different races creates different lvl of undead). Note: Albedo sugested it with the intention of basicly exterminating the lizardman (more corpses = more undead), and since they are not from Nazarick the NPCs dont care for them.


Ohhhhhh. Geez. These folks are something else. We caught something about protecting Nazarick but it became unclear 🤦🏾‍♂️


Now that I'm circling back up and processing, so that's a critical component to Ainz and his Army...killing people and maintaining an Army of undead?

Iejir Isk

Something I love about the convo w\ Demiurge and Eclair, you see that the denizens of Nazarick see each other for who they are, without prejudice, because that is how the gods made them. I find that kinda sweet. Also, you go Eclair!