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lovely runner episode 7 uncut

Watch "lovely runner episode 7 uncut" on Streamable.



I asked about it because when I clicked on your schedule a couple of hours ago Lovely Runner was not on the schedule. It was still Fight for My Way.I see that it’s linked now. I was pretty sure it was coming out today, but I wanted to make sure I had it correct and I didn’t assume. Have a lovely day. Excited to watch this episode with you all. ☺️

strange& sleepless

No she wasn't able to drive when she was in the wheelchair in the og timeline and she also didn't know how to drive when she got kidnapped that's why she only took the keys not the car. But she did get her drivers license in 2013, so 5 years after the incident and has now in 2023 been driving without any accidents for 10 years. Everytime she comes back to the future she's not immediately aware of everything that's happened in between the time she traveled back to and 2023. She slowly remembers pieces of information whenever they are relevant. The whole different timelines stuff and everything can get a little confusing here and there, I was lost very often the first time i watched this show. And I still notice new things now rewatching it with y'all for a 4th time.

strange& sleepless

Oh and it was definitely some sort of spinal injury cause she was paralysed.


I remember when I was watching the episode the first time, I was holding my breath for almost that entire beginning part when they revealed what happened in the og timeline. And I think that slow build up was definitely needed, not only for the gratifying reunion at the end, but up until this point, Im Sol really hasn't had a chance to sit with her feelings for Sun Jae. Because like your comment, it's been about saving his life. Also I absolutely love this actress. I would agree that I don't think I would like this character as much if it was played by someone else. She has this strange ability to make what would otherwise be somewhat annoying be lovable.


while I was waiting for new episodes when the show was airing, I actually wrote out a timeline of everything that happened in the first 6 episodes. Because part of the show took place during the 2008 Olympics, I was able to find pretty specific dates of when things happened lol


Hey, I’m a new subscriber. and I love you guys reaction. I’m happy to see the full reaction now. I think in the original timeline when Sunjay saves her from that man, Remember, Sunjay fought him and got him in jail. I think when he got out of jail, the man wants revenge of the person who put him there so I think he targeted Sunjay because he’s the person who put him in prison and stopping him from killing ImSol . But in ImSol dream it look like it was another accident and then she asked her mom about her kidnapper, she said that it happened 14 years ago,instead of 15 years ago, so I think it was another incident but the grandma ImSol don’t remember because the pasted ImSol experienced it the incident. But I love y’all reactions. I’m so happy to watch it with you.✨👏🏾

annisa putri

Sol is the "trophy" the stalker failed to earn. That's why he's Obsessed with her. She's an interesting challenge for him...


That area was where a crime has already happened in the original timeline remember how they talked about a body being found I think the police were patrolling the area since it’s the midnight and in our timeline if she ran immediately after seeing him he would have definetely hit her right there in the alley with the cab he was gonna get her no matter what happened that’s the fate I think


What I like about this show is we as audience know more info than the main characters do so it might me a bit frustrating cause we want them to get together but we need to remember that for her him being alive is more important we need more empathy for her too cause there’s a lot on her plate till this episode but for him all he knows is wanting to get together with her so his choices are more easy than her choices cause there’s no conflict for him when he tries to be with her


hey i also want to mention that she was 1 and half hour late -when she saw the wristwatch it showed 1:30 not 12 30


I appreciate the effort to understand her decisions even when she’s frustrating lol