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ım here agaınnnn <3

akshita gulya

Really glad you guys didnt jumped on her for rejecting him like alot of people do. Personally her rejecting him because she thought she might have in some way unknowingly tricked him into falling for her only made me like her more. She really puts him above anything else. Much love to you all for the reactions. 🤍


This timeline talk just made me realise that Sol's mother has to deal with her daughter's accident in the aftermath of her own secret surgery!

Sasha-Kay Adams

Even if she waited out the day maybe it still would have happened, just like Sun jae's shoulder injury happened during practice rather than at the meet.


Thanks. I still am irritated by it. I happened to understand whats going on. So I articulate what the writer is trying to convey. But i feel the same way others do. But i see she puts Sanjae above anything especially herself. So there is no point in wasting camera time complaining lol. Too easy


I think it’s more important to demonstrate understanding of the media than how I feel about it at times like this.


If she was a henious or selfish person. I’d probably go off on her but she’s obviously not she’s really a good girl. So 🤷🏽‍♂️


the thing about changing the past.....the future changes. She didn't remember the details of her accident. She thought it was just a car accident and if she avoided the location she was in the accident for, then then it would not happen. The timeline is changing as she makes these choices so even if she didn't go out that day, the taxi driver knows where she lives and is obsessed. He would have definitely found a different day to kidnap her.

Bran Bran

@YBRL you are not the only one who became irritated by Sol's consistent rejection of him. It became frustrating for me to watch. Considering she is aware that her behaviors can change certain outcomes, why does she only consider rejecting him as an option? She never once considers that if she accepts his feelings, the outcome can change things for the better. As much as I love her little itsy bitsy teeny weenie self, I have to admit that it is selfish on her behalf only to consider rejecting him as an option. It also sucks that she purposely lacks self-awareness around him which constantly leads him to fall for her more and more. Also, she has little to no confidence in his ability to protect her, himself, or accept the unknown. She is the traveler with knowledge of the future, so she makes all the decisions for him while constantly rejecting him, even though she has no idea of the true outcome once she returns. I can see if she had 100% confidence that rejecting him would save his life but she doesn’t. She rejected him on her last two time travel trips so why not just love him once to see what happens? This is what irritates me. Uggghh lol


I’m also frustrated by her choices sometimes. But she can be dragged back to the future in any moment, after all. If she starts dating with Sun Jae, then suddenly disappears, a rude and out-of-blue rejection from the young, clueless, ’who are you again and what do you want from me’ Im Sol will hurt him even more and could cause more damage.


Lol. I wont say much. Lol. See its a debatable take and i wanna save myself some stress. But i appreciate the different points of view


In the original timeline Sun Jae never went to college so he was probably already in Eclipse when the accident happened in the original timeline—that’s my theory at least


just giving my theory about why she was in the hospital when Sun Jae called in the first episode

strange& sleepless

About the intro Well... Korea does have one of the highest suicide rates so.... 😬

Bran Bran

@Mitha but this has already happened. She even kissed him and rejected him. Her memory flashbacks when she disappears and returns show her that she led him on, disappeared, rejected him, then came back. He is always getting rejected and hurt by her so this can't be an excuse.

Bran Bran

Correct. Her accident had just happened when he called her in the hospital. She did not know of him because in the original timeline, they only crossed paths but never actually met. He had unrequested love for her from afar. She had a crush on the other guy. When he was at the radio station and called her, he had memories of her and him from the time travel timeline, but she lost her memory of the time travel from the accident.


Well in the original timeline I don’t think he had memories from the time travel timelines because he didn’t have the picture of them from the Photo Booth yet, it only appeared after she time traveled so I think that in the original timeline he had the unrequited love for her but she never really knew him and then the accident happens and he saves her and then she’s really depressed so he calls her on the radio and that’s when he asks “Do you know me?” I think he was wondering if she knew he saved her etc. but she didn’t. And then she becomes a fan and years later when they meet he’s like “she doesn’t remember” because she literally doesn’t remember the kidnapping or that he saved her. And then he gets murdered and that’s why the original timeline is literally so tragic 😭 he had a one sided crush who he saved but she’s disabled and then he thinks she hates him for saving her and he has the unrequited love for 15 years and then he gets murdered😭


tbh if sol did everything perfectly we wouldnt have a series here she learns thru trial and error and thats what makes this drama interesting and i also think him getting rejected is better than dating him and then him being completely cluless not understanding anything after she leaves after dating him


i do think a lot people focus on the reason she gave sunjae rather than what reason she gives to the friend "im going to leave anyway" they explicitly showed us that scene there for us to understand sol's thought process rather than just believe what she told him


23:31 all your facial expression changes got me lol you guys are so cute

Madel Geronimo

Again..the plot twist will answer all your questions and frustrations in the end.. so enjoy the ride. You will see... This is exciting seeing y'all be frustrated cause been there.. But.. again it's worth it! Plus! Where is the fun if the story is just sunshine and butterflies? That will be super boring. Just like what I keep telling my friends when recommending it. It got enough of everything that will give you a roller coaster of every emotion a drama can give.


intro about why Korean dramas include death ideation jokes, I want to say it's because Korea is the number one oecd country for S of the Ide as well as the fact that tbh westerners are a very death denying culture over all. we shame and shun and fear thoughts of death where other cultures around the globe typically are more death accepting, case in point, as a buddhist, we have a shrine in our house to honor our dead and memorialize them...that's not a common practice in americanized culture. I'd say it depends on your cultural traditional roots ofc, but I definitely think that has a huge philosophical impact on how people express when they don't have the same limiters to their verbiage like others. a common joke of older days was the jokingly threaten to kill your friend in Korean if they got on your nerves enough "ya, Neol jugeullae?" which means "hey do you wanna die?!" it's extremely playful and only used between close friends that push each others buttons...but I think it's something westerners just don't joke about with their friends, right? some food for thought.


When did she kiss him? He kissed her when she was drunk, she doesn't remember this, they never dated yet lol plus as person above said they are right cause if she confessed, then they started dating and then one or day after accident happens then once she returns her old self will hurt him way more


Is the next episode coming out today? ☺️


Here is the schedule your records. Hopefully this helps. https://yaboyrocklee.com/schedule/

Mari Alvarez

About the intro..it is pretty common in Korea and they do have high Sui....rate. Also, in the recent years, several idols, actress and actors have done it, so it is an ongoing issue. Most recently, the Parasite actor.


Lol Lee grabbing his devile comfort bear to protect him from cliffhangers :D

J Man

Most makgeolli is 5% abv, and I believe I recognize that bottle as a 5 percenter. Meaning he KO'd from a sip of weak beer 🍺