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Lee you get your wish sorta they will eat a human kinda … form the sounds of it


You missed the second season announcement at the last few seconds


I was fine with your L take and the presumption that we the viewers agree with you but why bring a hide behind pride month I don’t see any correlation between the shows the boys and pride month


Also noted I only say like 1 episode of the Boys I don’t like live action shows much less violent ones


I appreciate studio Trigger adapting this. If anyone is interested the manga is complete and in my opinion it's a fun read.

Tea N Honey

Looking forward to Season 2 that just got approved! The manga is also completed and it's amazing!!! For those curious, the anime ended exactly at the end of chapter 52 and manga completed at chapter 97 so we'll hopefully get another 24 ep!

Anthony Nguyen

Eating your enemies is the best revenge haha 😂. I am also anime-only on the show so we'll find out if there are more details to the story than this or not, but think you guys are being extra tough on Laios because he's a man, and under-selling how much decision making agency that Falin has. If a blond haired genius silent spellcaster boy was chilling and improving his situation in a magic school with his newlywed elf wife and his sister and half sister were bumming it out and needed some help, it's the natural thing in a close knit family for the sibling who's better off to sacrifice a little bit and help out.

Angel Camara

We also don't know her perspective on things.... Others might think she was doing fine, but maybe she didn't think that, being that she almost always alone and immersed in her own world.


thats actually the conclusion they came to if you listen to the end of the discussion, that laios was really the one that was in a bad place and falin decided to join him of her own volition. and that thats ok, one sibling looking out for the other is a reasonable reaction. i also liked what they said about how laios is the optimistic type and tends to glaze over the details of his stories. anyway the story has a lot of layers if you read into it which is awesome, the combination of characters, comedy, animation and story made this my fav of the season. cant for season 2

Coping McCoperson

Sigh. I forget most people on the internet are humorless. It was a joke because you said “I want more of this not more boy” but go off king.


What you forgot was that “blatant lies for the hehe-hahas” don’t have a font setting, and people are entitled to L takes, so your spin was taken at face value.

Daniel Borrego

I need some help to ...........eat my sister

Anthony Nguyen

Yes, I did listen until the end of the reaction, but one of the last things that they said was that if Laios didn't stop by Falon would not have been eaten by the Dragon. This is a factual statement, but that's the same as saying if if you swim, you won't drown. It's obvious that by going to the dungeon, either one of the siblings could have been eaten. Imagine Falon didn't follow her brother and she heard a year later that Laios had been eaten instead. She would have regretted not going for the rest of her life. So it's not right to blame Laios for her death.


In regard to the “regardless,” the dragon hadn’t ‘turned’ Falin’s flesh into its own flesh, nor properly digested her, but used her flesh for its flame breath. That’s why her bones and staff were in its fuel sack instead of its stomach; it had not ‘digested’ her properly on a technicality. All of Falin’s revival flesh was dragon meat, as was what was not re-used from the carcass to mold her shape into a chimera. . And Laios isn’t “proud” of his time in the military or why he left, so he wouldn’t specify being a deserter. After /her/ decision to join him, they didn’t have a solid ‘place’ in the world, but he’s not going to write off that it was her own decision. Mind, the only reason Laios didn’t get eaten at the start of the series, is because Falin tackled him out of the way of the dragon’s teeth. . And, that’s been the case for much of their time, with her coming in with a mace to his defense when someone takes a swing at him.

Lotus Gramarye

I can't believe Dungeon Meshi is just another anime about eating your sister. I guess statistically it was more likely than not.... For real, the character writing in this show is so fucking strong. I'd put it up with Frieren honestly, but it hits a lot differently because Frieren is a mostly serious show with some comedic and light-hearted elements, whilst Dungeon Meshi is a very comedic show with a strong dark edge hidden underneath. But the complexity of the people, and people acting differently than how they actually feel (save for Laios and Falin) gives this show such deep writing. Laios meeting up with Falin after leaving the army is such a strong example of that, because we know the bare bones of the situation but not the specifics. Laios may have missed nuances with his re-telling because of his social issues, or he could have been right on the money because he usually gets straight to the heart of the situation. Like, if he thinks Falin was lonely I'm likely to believe him. At the same time Falin might have been more concerned about his safety than anything and that's a detail he likely would have missed, since even if she is as socially awkward as he is she's a lot more reserved and seems more practice at navigating social situations, albeit at the cost of her own well-being in some cases.


She was in school, Laios came and recruited her and now she got eaten by dragon protecting him. We agree on this. You said it was a factual statement. You don’t agree on assigning blame but it’s semantics at that point. If i was Laious. I would blame myself as the cause of her death. Most responsible people would. We can say its not his fault because Falin made that choice or whatever


“Imagine Falon didn't follow her brother and she heard a year later that Laios had been eaten instead. She would have regretted not going for the rest of her life.” I can imagine in and she would be alive and safe. He could have died in the army or in a dungeon. But he brought his sister. Love the guy. You can argue that he should not be blamed. But if we do “blame” him. Its not unreasonable. Based on the facts we agree on


I though jokes where suppose to be funny you clearly aren’t making out of the joke club with this one

Coping McCoperson

Thank you so much for your valuable insight oh great Brody. I shall strive to be more like you in the future!


I need more people to come and eat my sister 😭 I need to think of the perfect way to cook and garnish my sister 😭 I agree with the dark skin homie Laois can’t be given power 😭


I'm going to side with Laios innocence here. I totally hear what you guys were talking about, 30:36, in thinking Laios purposefully made Falin leave the magic school and join him, but it doesn't quite match his personality. I think he was near the school and wanted to say hi to her, but being dirty and unkempt at the time he couldn't do it the proper way. I think Falin made the decision to join him out of concern and not pity and if any guilting was l involved it was coincidental. 🤔 Laios is too much of a himbo to be that cunning...but we love him that way. 😅