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The Year Of Sober Good Lee

In an effort to alleviate the "Anime Drought," I've added an extra anime slot on Mondays labeled as "SPECIAL EPISODE." This means I will post an available extra anime episode we have recorded, which can be any of the shows we are currently covering. The anime with the HIGHEST INTEREST will likely be the one added to that slot each week. Some shows are just more binge-worthy for us.

That being said, if your suggestion matches our interest enough, it increases the likelihood of having extra episodes, as we naturally want to watch more. I'm already confident in releasing this early Interspecies Review episode because we naturally want to watch two episodes on Sundays, followed by two episodes of Snowfall. Interspecies Review is the only anime I'm tweeting about right now, ha ha ha... It's legit peak right now.

Listen, if the feedback makes sense and you guys are respectful, I will do my best to accommodate.




You had me at "Shu Shu Shu Shu Shu"


So just for my low iq ass - this suggestion is basically an extra episode of any series (non seasonal) that you are CURRENTLY reacting to (for example Interspecies or Vanitas) right?


Let’s see how long it takes for anti Kdrama + anime only crowd to start moaning again ….. lmaooo jk jk thanks for feeding the streets Lee


ha ha, i know i cant satisify everyone but i saw a spot to make folks happy which wasn't a strain for me to match so i did that ha ha


I would love for you guys to watch link click. I think it’s an anime all 3 of you guys would enjoy 100%.

Coping McCoperson

I cannot believe that you guys are going to appease these anime brainlets. We high IQ Kdrama watchers make up the majority of your following and demand content accordingly


I feel like I’m being flooded with “Anime post” Lee where’s the kdrama lol 😂


niggas like me jus want more anime whatever way you put it😂😂🤣


If the monster girl thing is your current jam (and it seems to be pulling in the views atm), I'd recommend: Monster Musume (12 episodes and 2 OVA's, about a dude that ends up with a bunch of monster girl cultural exchange members that magically all want to sleep with him. Ecchi and funny with great characters. Romcomish. I was fortunate to get a copy of the uncensored blu-ray before they quit selling it) Monster Girl Doctor (12 episodes, ecchi-sometimes but plays off more like monster girl doctor house MD. Monster girls are ill, MC gotta figure out what it is, apply treatment and save the day. Of course some of the monster girls want the doctor, its anime. I would probably say this one is more of a romance/drama than a romcom) You could probably watch monster girl doctor w/ adorkable but not monster musume lol As usual you guys are killing it!


Highly highly recommend reacting to Tower of God as Season 2 comes out next month and it's one of the most anticipated anime this year with a massive fan following. Guaranteed to get YT views - Season 1 has average 16k - 343k views Plus the series itself is fire!🔥 It's considered the One Piece of the korean manhwa industry due to its world building and character diversity Always grateful for you guys’ content😁