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J Man

Shortest episode of the season, but the best. Loved this single take episode....


Marcus was wild for those donuts. Dude came up with a smile during peak time and thought it was cool to do a high school project while everyone was freaking the fuck out. Crazy how Richie was the most calm dude in the entire episode.

Samuel XK

the way the episode starts and the way it ends it's perfect

Galado Isma

god i love this show so much


What a nice calm episode


I have nothing to say besides, the knife!!! And who walks off a stab? 😂😂😂🫣. Cam’s little hurt voice during, “what are doing” breaks my heart every time

jason ross

I like sydney but I’m not liking how she finally makes a mistake in the show and now she blames carm for it all and quits

Nicholas Castillo

Imagine getting stabbed being calm, cool and collected enough to just get it taken care of


ah the chaos episode


Watching you guys react to this episode gives me a lot of peace. Loved the reaction👍.


But they were all literally attacking her for it. Chef kept saying it was fine when he had a problem with it and wouldn’t tell her even though it was obvious. The cousin “idk names” also had a problem with her because she solved his problem. It’s definitely not on her


I’m definitely not understanding the the thoughts about Sydney. She’s been getting attacked and bombarded by all angles. The chef has an issue with what she did but wouldn’t speak on it. The cousin is mad because of the gang situation. She’s supposed to now teach a new recruit. And she messed up with the pre orders. Sure the ribs and the pre orders are her fault but she gets attacked through every little thing she does


High road Richie, lol. He was calm because the problem wasn't on him, haha


Richie had Ebra tell him about the factions to calm down when he got stabbed by Sydney, but it also worked as a tale for their current situation I think.


I usually come off supporting Sydney in this episode but I only just realised that when she was supposes to be checking the to go tablet at the start of the episode she was actually listening to Ebra reading the review because she knew that's who she gave her dish too


Also director is right. He should have told her his problem. He waited to mention it when the pre orders were messed up. And Sydney even asked what her doing that had to do with this. I won’t go as far to say it was his fault but he definitely should have told her before all of this. It probably did make his emotions worse then the order thing would have alone


Chaos! All over the place. Kudos to Richie for being pretty calm after getting stabbed.


Very stressful and chaotic episode 🤯. I think Carmy, Richie, Sydney, Marcus, and yes even Tina all deserve a little bit of the blame for what happened this episode. But I mostly blame Sydney and Marcus, more so Sydney. I was really annoyed by Syd this episode. She was being really nasty and mean. She gave the dish to the food critic on purpose, fucked up with the pre orders, I think she stabbed Richie on purpose, and walked out saying it wasn't on her. Marcus was busy all episode fucking with those donuts instead of doing his job. He really said "what are you tripping for" and "it's not that big of a deal". High road Richie ain't shit. Lol. But Richie is being Richie.


Whattt😭. She gave a customer leftover food on purpose yes but it's not necessarily her fault that he ended up being a food critic and yes she threatened to stab Richie but when it actually happened it was not on purpose although he did deserve it a little for antagonising her in an already tense environment. Sydney was to blame for the orders and being quite mean yes but she definitely didn't do those 2 things on purpose, which was made clear in the show.


Still laughing at the fact someone told yall this show was a comedy 🤣 yes there are funny moments but this show definitely is STRESS first everything else second


I rewatched both scenes and you're right. Thank you chef. I don't think she did those 2 things on purpose but at the same time I don't think she is above it either. Syd personally attacking Richie like that was cringe and dark.


The issue is that Carmy places the burden of everything onto her. A few episodes ago he says he is harsher with her because he expects more, and I understand his POV where he initially was drowning and everyone was working against him and Sydney is kind of a life vest for him. It makes sense to rely on and have expectations of the one person working with you. This Richie situation is different because IRL it's very unacceptable to stab someone, but this show takes place in a heightened reality where drugging children is okay, so I'd let that one go to since no one including Richie cares. I would argue that Sydney did not cross the line, because Richie has been crossing the line for 6 episodes prior to this, including starting this episode off by saying she must exchange sexual favours for good reviews.


I think Carmy's biggest failure in this episode was losing his mind over a human error and trying to get everyone to cook 500 chickens they don't have. Director was right: cancel the pre-orders and give refunds with an apology and take new orders that they can fulfil with the ingredients they have.

Samke Dladla

Season 3 of Sweet Tooth is coming out this week and I'm asking someone to please react to it 😭

Sharles Davis Kendy

Cancelling pre orders sounds simple, but that a) hurts a LOT of future business and b) still leads to really pissed off people. Mother's Day during COVID was extremely similar to this for a lot of restaurants (A lot of places tried take out for the first time during COVID and had no need to figure out how throttling worked because business was so slow and Mother's Day was hell). It's a BAD bad situation. And while Carmy definitely yelled and cursed too much, he didn't really come at her that hard. He told her she fucked up and then went on to dealing with the problem. She told her to get out of the expo but he didn't YELL at her until he had told her multiple times to get out and she kept arguing back. It is never good for the boss to start cursing people out the way Carmy did though, but Sydney fucked up big. And so did Marcus.


Sure, but they actually cannot fulfil all of these orders, it's not possible. I don't think anyone denies Sydney (and Marcus) fucked up, I just think the blame towards her is overblown because she hasn't really made any mistakes until now, and her mistakes are being compounded by everyone else. Why did Tina bring her son in for Sydney to teach when there's a new system to deal with


Sorry hit enter too quickly. I think everyone except Ebra, Sweeps, Manny and Angel was messing up this episode. And even Ebra was reading the review that pissed Carmy off.

J Man



I wasn’t told that. I assumed it was cuz Roshi was very into it and i know he loves comedy. So it was a quiet assumption. I never asked. Thought so internally

Sharles Davis Kendy

Sydney's fuck up is the biggest one. All of the other ones would be minor annoyances without her fuck up. And without any of the other ones, her fuck up would still cost the restaurant the most money as they have to turn away guests in what should have been their biggest opportunity to grow.


Sure, I don't disagree. But if Sydney weren't here, there would be no to-go, there would be no opportunity to grow etc. She's currently the mvp in that kitchen. I've seen a lot of people saying that that's how working in the restaurant business is but, like most people who watch the show, I have no patience for that kind of working environment, so I understand the decision to walk out.

spam protection

How is carmy not talking about the risotto issue attacking and bombarding her? They have a job to do and a full day ahead of them. That should be everyone's prio


I wasn’t talking about that situation. When I said that but it’s still a problem. Sure they have work to do but he should still be able to say what the problem is even if it’s quick. He already knows how she is so why not say exactly how he was feeling.

Anna Stachia

Man this episode is a wild ride. I'd almost forgotten how chaotic the entire thing is because the part that always stands out to me is just the printer spitting out endless tickets (because I've been in an environment with that). I do think everyone shares blame in this episode all around, and nothing is on any one or two people's fault. Sydney effed up initially by not making sure the pre orders were off before the to gos went live which was the beginning of the landslide that was everything else, but not all of the resulting chaos is hers. She then proceeded to continue to eff up by not handling her shit well. Marcus absolutely effed up by working on his own project instead of doing his actual flipping job. He made his own bed, and you guys are right in that his own upset is his fault. Tina incidentally made an already stressful situation worse by bringing in the delinquent inexperienced kid. Which probably on any other day wouldn't have been the end of the world, but probably wasn't a good idea on the day a new system went live, even if it hadn't been a disaster. Richie didn't particularly do anything wrong in this particular incident, but he also doesn't make situations like this better. I feel like a lot of syd's breaking and going off on him is because of his previous/normal behavior. She was bound to go off on him eventually the way he talks to her and treats her a lot of the time (and the way he feels about her usurping his place and changing things which he did actually bring up this episode to a degree) and with everything else happened that fuse finally ran out. Though a lot of what she said or did was inexcusable. (the line about his daughter, even about him being a loser, holding a knife to him even if in the end he's the one that backed into it) And then of course there's carmen. Who doesn't know how to treat anyone right in a stressful situation. And like, we've seen that's how he was treated, and they imply that that's normal. But it's also messed up and no one likes to be constantly screamed and cursed at. I personally don't think him making a big deal out of the review earlier would have made things better, I do think him bringing it up when things went to shit was petty and spiteful. Carmen puts a lot of pressure on sydney, yes because he expects better of her and knows she's been in similar environments to him, but I think he saddles too much responsibility on her while also not giving her enough support. He has a lot of personal shit and trauma, and it feels like that invades his work life and then syd gets left to pick up the pieces. Even Ebra had to be told a couple times to stop reading the review and get to work. Everyone played a part in the ensuing mess. It started with Sydney, and snowballed from there into an avalanche taking everyone with it. Anyway sorry for the long comment, really loving your guys' reactions and discussions of this show (and many others)


It definitely is on her and the reason he ain’t tell her he had a problem wit her is because it wasn’t the time but noooo she wanna stop and talk about it like they ain’t got a fuckin job to do lol my boy just tryna make thru the day and shit went sideways so yea this situation was her and Marcus fault. It’s crazy how this one situation dropped them to the bottom of my list of characters only because they didn’t apologize. Like I can forgive a mistake cause that’s what it was but for u to put it all on him like it’s his fault is where u crossed the line.


I mean, Carmy was being all passive agressive which can add stress to the already weird dynamic of the kitchen, we see Richie walking back into the knife and he was chastising her a few moments ago about not saying corner so why does that not apply to him right now? and for the to gos she didn't finish the checks but she also told Carmy that it wasn't ready at least two different times and he still turned it on so they both messed up on that! I get why she would leave. For the critic she didn't give it to him on purpose but also I don't see why she should feel bad cause it got good reviews.