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When Lee has "Peak" in the title you know you're in for a treat 😩😫😤

AlmaWade 1979

People in Crunchy complained about the backstory being placed where it was, but I think it's the most perfect placement possible, this episode catapulted Windbreaker to the top of the season for me.


CloverWorks never fumbles the bag fr. In fact they did justice to all the 'boob bags' in Dress Up Darling. I get engaged deep into the fights like watching old school kung fu movies; they use wide distant shots well that the fight is both more understandable and enjoyable (vs the classic low frame multicut close ups)


the twist with togame! togame 😭😭 poor dude played the bad guy role all too well and yeah, he didn't know why furin came to their turf, since hiiragi's explanation at the time was just "your guys were chasing one of ours". so he came on scene, thinking furin intruded on their turf, and then got called lame by Sakura lol but now he's realized that after all the things he's done to keep the current shishitoren going... the current shishitoren is no longer the shishitoren he believed in. so what to do now? kinda interesting now that i think about it. the previous episode was about sako who left hiiragi after being told not to follow and ended up in that sad state. and now this episode, it's togame who stayed even being told to get out, and still ended up in this sad state. edit: also good job noticing how choji at the beginning had a similar mindset as sakura. kinda makes you wonder what sakura would've been like if he didn't join furin...

John Ng

Lmao Lee, you know at the end you can just click “Skip Credits” and it’ll skip the ED without you scrolling to find the right place? 🤣 Jokes aside, I’m very surprised that no one spoils this series so far. This is usually the kind where the fan of the story will said something like “Just you wait. You’re gonna understand why Kame is how he is” or “You know Kame is actually not bad.” With this episode ending, I’m guessing either Sakura wins or it ends with a tie. Although I can support Kame’s ideology, the person he supports is wrong. If he wins, meaning that Choji is right again and just like the last ep, the reason to fight is totally wrong with this time too. So Sakura had to either win or tie to give both a chance to learn. That’s some conversations Sakura is giving. I hope no one gives me this type of conversation 🤓

AlmaWade 1979

The end of the episode actually made me feel like Togame is trying to lose on purpose to see what Choji will do when someone he seems to care about loses.

John Ng

I’m seeing it as he is disillusioned by his actions and he was wondering whether he was wrong all along. Hence the line “I don’t know what I’m doing anymore.”

AlmaWade 1979

Could be both at the same time even, cuz he definitely was serious until a point. Man, who would've thought that a fist-fighting show would be so thought-provoking.

Dominic Mason

I want to say I really appreciate you guys understanding Togame's motivation and reasoning and seeing that the guy he presented up till now was all an act. I kinda hope after this arc this gang becomes reformed and kinda becomes Bofurin's go to ally for big arcs in the future.


I really feel for Kami letting himself be the bad guy cause he's trying to bring back the old Choji but I like that Sakura is calling him out on his bullshit. 😮‍💨


Strongest guts are the most free. Okay Luffy lmao


he was definitely serious at first cuz in the beginning his mindset was like "this cocky furin guy intruded our turf and then called us lame and kept bashing on our ideology" but after the truth was revealed, he's kinda lost his will to fight cuz it's like "what is this fight for anyway? we were in the wrong in the first place. what am i even doing, trying to keep the current shishitoren going when the members have become bullies"

The Law_v1001

yo hits me in my feels every damn episode. this might be the best show at manipulating emotions I've ever watched. I'm not saying it's the best drama but defiantly the best rollercoaster of emotion anime since Re-Zero. as far as the emotional journey it reminds me alot of early MHA.

Kumi Chan

Incredible episode


Funniest part is how the crew got slapped in the face for going with first impressions too much with our clip clop wood sandals guy :D