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Edward Chireno

i know it has been trouble for you lee the entire week but this is episode 20, we were waiting for episode 18 (i see now it has fixed in the tittle sorry for that) this is episode 20 and is supposed to be 19


You posted the wrong episode , the title is saying episode 19 but the video is for episode 20 i think . You posted episode 20 instead of episode 19. It's not a big problem , take your time you dont need to fix this immediately.

Anthony Nguyen

The post says 19 but the video content is 20. We're missing the Christmas episode


Maybe you guys didn't watch episode 18? And we could just get episode 19 onwards? 😭

Edward Chireno

Yes, once i search the entire toradora playlist i saw episode 18, it didnt have any notification, i thought we were stuck on 18 since like last week monday. Either way i said in the post that is episode 20 and is supposed to be 19 but it was not worded well enoigh

Dragon (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-13 18:38:08 Jesus the Toradora fanbase are ruthless lol. Didn't know until now I see nothing but their comments everywhere I go. FeelsBad Lee
2024-04-24 02:32:11 Jesus the Toradora fanbase are ruthless lol. Didn't know until now I see nothing but their comments everywhere I go. FeelsBad Lee

Jesus the Toradora fanbase are ruthless lol. Didn't know until now I see nothing but their comments everywhere I go. FeelsBad Lee


Bruh Toradora gotta be cursed or something 😂

Dragon (edited)

Comment edits

2024-05-13 18:38:08 Also, unfortunate that problems keeps happening to you guys over this show hopefully it gets resolved and it's smooth sailing :-)
2024-04-24 03:04:09 Also, unfortunate that problems keeps happening to you guys over this show hopefully it gets resolved and it's smooth sailing :-)

Also, unfortunate that problems keeps happening to you guys over this show hopefully it gets resolved and it's smooth sailing :-)


Damn again 😂 whoever it is, Put down the Voodoo doll!

Pontiac Fredersen

Episode is correct now, for anyone reading this! Thanks for the reaction and the quick fix RL! 👍

Lucky Rabbit

Fixed so quick Lets F---- GO!


ahhh thank you for the update 🙏🏼

Anthony Nguyen

Wow, what a reaction . You guys came to a completely different conclusion than I did from Episode 19 because watching the same episode I was convinced that Ryuuji DOES actually like Minori and he's held back by his sense of responsibility to Taiga, not to leave her alone because she's almost like his family. I thought it was ironic that Director called the show toxic because these are maybe some of the most pure hearted romcom characters. Looking forward to seeing the rest!


Disagree. He clearly has a crush on Minori but the feelings don't go deeper than that, I mean he barely knows her in all honesty, never spent long periods of time getting to know each other, whereas Taiga he knows deeply and subconsciously always chooses her over everyone, couple that with this episode where he consciously chose to go to her over Minori and Taiga had to literally kick him out of the door to get him to choose her, it's obvious at this point where his true feelings lie. Also I keep seeing the phrase "sense of responsibility" thrown about, in no way has Ryuuji ever shown that he only spends time with Taiga because he feels that he has to, not that he wants to, especially with how Minori has been with her prior to their meeting so she doesn't actually need him. The answer is obvious at this point.


Reading your comment I realized one weird thing the show seems to be doing is that they want to make it seem like Ryuuji barely knows Kushieda and that they never spend lots of time together getting to know each other. A few episodes ago Ryuuji said Kushieda stopped coming to their usual meeting spot where they normally hangout and choose to be with other friends and kept leaving him hanging. He also mentioned something else that made it seem like they hangout but they seem to keep off screening them being together. Also another scene in a past episode Ryuuji makes it seem like they were close friends and that they should try to go back to being normal and stop being weird around each other. Also the side characters and Ryuuji himself mention things about Kushieda that we did not see at all which makes me believe they are intentionally not showing them hangout and not even showing their implied close friendship on screen at all. I wonder why they decided to keep all this stuff off screen and only imply stuff about their friendship in random sentences throughout the past episodes.

Anthony Nguyen

1. You don't need to know someone deeply to like them, he wants to get closer and closer to her BECAUSE he doesn't know her deeply yet. By definition he isn't able to love her on a deeper level at this point in the relationship yet, so this isn't even saying anything. 2. I agree that he does know Taiga deeply already by this point, and it's because of that that he isn't interested in her since he has seen just how much she likes Kitamura. He's literally a good guy so he wants to see her be happy. He can have feelings for Minori AND at the same time have love and care for Taiga. 3. Hindsight is 20/20 with this show. After over 15 years since the show came out, the show is famous for the two of them getting together. If you go in with the conclusion that Ryuji is going to end up with Taiga, you'll end up looking at evidence for that conclusion with more weight compared to other conclusions, despite the fact that up to this point in the story Ryuji and Taiga have denied liking each other multiple times already. My first watch through of the show was in 2010 and I had no such preconceived ideas going into it. So I found the trio's reaction on a first watch to be very interesting.


The happenings in this episode really one of my fave of the whole series. The moment Taiga realised she had actual feelings for Ryuuji and *immediately* ran to him unlike how she was about Kitamura.


I think Taiga towards Kitamura was the same way Ryuuji towards Kushieda. They both had a crush and infatuated with these persons they really admired. Then don't know how to handle their genuine feelings of love they have for each other.


and Ami best girl as usual telling Ryuuji to stop playing daddy to Taiga although my boy is still oblivious