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mitch anderson

I usually watch intros too but I heard this was very...yk 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Coping McCoperson

Stand on business Lee. Dont let these randos tell you how to consume your media

Gundam42 D

Cliff and Elinalise is basically if Ben Shapiro wanted to be with Jada Smith. Like you couldn't find two more opposite like people in every way. Cliff is short , religious, of short lived race , book nerd ,while Elinalise is tall, has no rules, long lived , warrior. IT SHOULDN'T WORK AGAINST ALL LOGIC BUT IT JUST WORKS!

Anthony Stone

things people need to realize about openings is that it only really spoils things with context. if you have no context it doesn’t really spoil anything and just leaves you guessing to make theories. As more episodes come out they’ll get more context and they’ll probably say “ohhh that’s what that is”. Doesn’t make it a bad thing. You wouldn’t even be here to say if it was a spoiler or not unless you had the context yourself 😂 which just proves my point more.


Lee standing on biddness you love to see it


I respect the intro watching but not this show! (I'll show myself out.)


Honestly, one of the best relationships I've seen in recent anime! Sylphy is truly incredible


People gotta understand the studio literally knows what they're doing and want people to watch what they put in the intro for a reason either to hype it up or let the audience interpret it how they want, like you guys. Watching the intro is also part of the enjoyment anyways.


Usually this is the case, but honestly? This one was really bad with dropping blatant spoilers. I agree with you in principle but this one went pretty far. That said, it is a fire OP


thing is, we got bit of context last season, so it easy to fill the gap if you're paying attention

Mufid Lassissi

Eris getting compared to sylphie negatively after how hard she went for rudeus at a wayyyyyyy younger age and literally watched this dude die and then her whole family died. But she getting demonized by this fandom for not being perfect waifu coomunicator a day after finding out they all died Hmmm.

Mufid Lassissi

Lool damn a bit much. But I be so dumbfounded man.. reading all the Eris hate. Like did y’all not watch seaosn 1 ? And it’s just because she left rudeus to get stronger without burdening him. They all need to keep that hating energy on her character for teh rest of the series then.


Poor Roger wasn’t him the most op intro of 2024 in my small opinion


It is completely reasonable and understandable to have issues with Eris at this point in the story.


If anyone is concerned about spoilers on the intro the best thing you can do is not bring it up. Any talking about it at all will only bring attention to it and do the opposite of what you want.

Mufid Lassissi

How? If you didn’t like her prior to her leaving I understand but if her leaving after her family was just genocided dienst make you think she wasn’t even in a right mind for sex and all that then that’s a shame. People talk about Rudys suffering after Eris? It didn’t even come close to what Eris was dealing with. His whole family isn’t dead


Love to see Cliff getting gassed up


Grieve is not a contest and it’s never right to compare. It’s also completely not the point. Eris was hurt sure but that has nothing to do with Rudeus. His hurt has everything to do with her. Intentional or not. I do not dislike the character but giving her shit is completely reasonable at this point in time. She fucked up. She cause years of unnecessary grief.

Mufid Lassissi

If it never occurred to rudeus that she wasn’t okay because she just lost a whole family then he’s an idiot . You people just gloss oebr he struggles it’s hilarious. She did nothing wrong except for not communicate more clearly . She was 15 or sth. Sylphie is getting praise when she’s at university age and took how many months to tell Rudy that was her and y’all think she would handle what Eris went through at a younger age better?

R'ja Norr

Elinalise is far kinder than Jada, and would never do her boi durty. But I agree with the sentiment of what you are saying.

Gundam42 D

Yeah I'm not good with current celebritys so I couldn't quite find the best best character analogy but pretty sure everyone knew those two as I tried to Google female celebrity that fit Elinalise but they were all 50 plus years ago.


Could be just me but I’ve seen more people react with “I can’t wait to see what that is” in an opening than “OMG I’ve been spoiled”. People who have zero context of a scene will not yell spoilers since they have no idea what they are looking at. The real spoilers are the people who have read the source material and are pointing out certain scenes ARE spoilers to those who do not know.


You are correct. In regards to this. I wouldn’t know to take the intro seriously without people confirming the intro is spoiling

R'ja Norr

"How to tame an only fans girl, Cliff's Notes version"...... I'll see myself out now.


She did nothing wrong except for what she did wrong. That’s literally what you just said. 🤦‍♂️ We are glossing over nothing your points change nothing. No one claims or believes for a second that Rudeus didn’t know she had just experienced something bad. From his perspective she abandoned him and her going through tough times does not erase that. Sylphie and Eris are different people and so have different flaws. Slyphie would never do what Eris did to Rudeus but conversely Eris would also never do what Sylphie did either. But Sylphie hiding her identity only cause confusion not hurt to Rudeus. I love the Eris character but your views on her are irrational. It is completely reasonable to be upset with her in this current moment. Being in pain does not make it right to hurt other people intentionally or not. That’s all there really is to it.


Frankly your angry defense of the character will just make people associate her with your unreasonableness and make it harder to like her later down the road should she return to the story. I’ve seen it a lot in different fandoms. You really aren’t helping her.

Mufid Lassissi

I’m not trying to help her . And what angry defence are you talking about? Have I insulted anyone ? Have I said anything rude? What are you on about . And If my opinion about the reaction towards Eris makes you not like her idgaf. She’s already getting all the hate what’s a few more haters. And I just think you people sound absolutely ridiculous? Hey Eris I know you just lost everybody you knew and loved but we expect you to be a rational 15 year old and not hurt our precious Rudeus’s feelings. She left to go gain strength without relying on rudeus like what had happen with orsted. You dint know what Sylphie would’ve done if she actually saw Rudy fricken die and was helpless at a younger age . Do y’all self insert as Rudeus or sth? It doenst make sense to be this mad at Eris when y’all ahve the full context? But to each is his own . And I hope the haters stay on that side


@solitarylark. I wouldn’t argue lol. I am used to reading those takes from mufid and you won’t change his mind.

Mufid Lassissi

Lol i mean if I’m the one in the wrong then I guess okay. Eris the worst person . Terrible . Rudeus is great and perfect.


Its not really about being right or wrong. Folks just have an opinion. I am aware that some of my opinions will spark particular responses and you often bite. You are consistent.


“Are you an 8 yr old” adorkable talking over every dialogue” “audio shitty”. Half your comments are generally about something you are not happy with. I can see your comment history in my emails and i recognize you by name(i think it’s actually more than half). I have never read you comment on something you like and expand on that. I see a question or you expressing displeasure. So when i saw your comments yesterday. Its like “oh of course he doesnt like the Eris commentary” and i respect that you feel differently about our takes

Mufid Lassissi

I definetly disagree about not making comments praising the reactions . I’ve done so several times and even mad comments against people spoiling stuff but I guess only the complaints get seen


I plugged mufid in my email and looked at most the 10 most recents. I truthfully not upset. Maybe your unaware. From here on you will notice or i will end up being wrong

Mufid Lassissi

I mean nothing I can say to dispute it if that’s all you see there . I’ll just watch from now


Cliff going out sad. Don’t applaud this man lol


I think the real reason so many people are hurt about the OP in Mushoku is b/c the first season had a very different way of doing the OP and ED. Each episode of the first season's OP and ED were little sniplets of minor events that for the most part were related to that episode. It was a little treat for both LN/Manga readers as well as Anime Only viewers. Now its just your average OP/ED like 99% of all other anime.


You know I watch two other reactors and one watches the intro/outro once in a while and the other skips over them completely even the first time. I really appreciate that you guys watch or both cause I enjoy seeing you guys vibing to the music and listening to Adorkable sing the English parts. 😎


Yeah don't ever get bullied into not doing openings and endings. Its always nice to see what you guys think about them


Hold on lee you throwing shots at Eris at the end?


Let me just throw it out into the comments. Eris left because she wanted to better herself for Rudy. That meant she made a mistake she didn't want by not being too bright and wording her letter properly but its still her actions that count LEEEEEE. Sylphy wanting to stay and be basic while Eris wanting to go and be better FOR Rudy. (I still love sylphy tho so she still amazing but its all facts)


Sylphy is best girl. Cliff is best boy. End of story.


Cliff is a better man than me. I'd be never ever ever be okay with onlyfan hos. Even if it's due to a curse, it's no thanks for me.