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First of all, my apologies to everyone.

I recently disappeared for about two weeks again and I didn't tell you what I was going to do in advance, which is a bad habit of mine and I hate it.

Next time I'm going away for a week or more, I'll let you know in advance.

The first week, from the 3rd to the 17th of November, I worked on new technology, this time including model textures and visual effects.

The second week I had a terrible time, I locked myself in my room and felt so low.

But now I've recovered and I know myself better.

I just wanted to let you know that I'm fine and I'll be back here tomorrow to continue releasing new models.

(I just looked at the list and I have a backlog of at least 13 items here)



No problem. Take care of yourself!

Jeffrey Mercado

I've hit far too many points like that to not empathize. Just do what you gotta do. Life without a stable mind is hell.

Dan Dan

important than VAM skins dude. Take it easy.


take care man, health matters more than anything.


Keep going brother - we are rooting for you - you are the best creator in the entire VAM universe