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First of all, I hate posting this pointless thread on the patreon homepage, I know you all subscribe to get the models and that's what I'm supposed to do.

Ok, now I want to share with you guys some of my recent thoughts.


I've been on patreon for four years and posted over four hundred models, then a couple of my Chinese friends suggested I join http://afdian.net/, they love Chinese models and I could make more money for myself by posting paid content, why not?

Then the nightmare started.

In the VAMHUB community, you will see a lot of new creators joining, they are from China, releasing some undifferentiated models to make money.

Some of them release some creator's content integration packs on pirate sites and pirates from China will make money with that content.

I get paid a few thousand dollars a month and I try my best to do a good job with each model and improve my production. However, these pirates from China, they won't follow the rules, they will make tens of thousands of dollars a month, they will keep downloading content from pirate sites and then trade that content for money.

I don't know why this keeps happening and no one is stopping it.

They will only do two things.

1, Download pirated resources for free or go to Patreon and pay $5 for a subscription.

2, If the creator has encrypted the model, these pirates will plead with experts to break the encryption without even paying.

In the end, no one can stop them.

This means that the pirate sites, me, the experts, are all fools in their eyes.

Providing products for these Chinese pirates is what we exist for. Yes, they made a lot of money and set up a company.

This incident affected me a lot, they seriously affected my sales at afdian.net.

I'm not against piracy, you guys pay $5 for a subscription here and you can share models with your friends, but I'm against these pirates collecting everyone's paid content to make money.

I think I'll give up my business on afdian.net or take a more aggressive approach.


See the screenshots in this post?

I want to finish them this month, some of my friends have been waiting a long time to apply for commissions and I don't want to turn them down, I really appreciate it.

Commission prices vary, the higher the price the better. I'll make sure it's fair and won't favor anyone.

Also, my posts in the VAMHUB community were reported again, the admins reminded me that some unauthorized content was used in the old posts, which were actually free, I didn't make them private, that was just screenshots.

I deleted the old post.


I've said what I wanted to say, that's it.

I hope the world will be a better place in the future!




Its hard to fight the pirates, best you can do is keep at it and trust that the supporters you've gathered stay as paid customers. You make some of the greatest girls out there so I think you got an edge over many of the pirates out there!


Hell, these guys are so professional they know how to use pirate sites and prey on people's sympathies to scam patreon for paid content.


International business is extreamly risky. Jumping into the chinese market is like jumping in the middle of a stormy ocean without a lifejacket. The rules in china do not protect anyone with copyrights (i.e. wish.com). You are, as Matvagn says, one of VAMs finest. It's unfortunately up to VAM to make sure this doesnt happen but they are not accountable if it does. Keep realeasing great content and find a way to let VAM know that you are litterally one of the main reasons that people are supporting this software, and that you should be able to have a back and forth with their fraud provention if they have one...

Robert Monotoli

Personally, I find it very admirable that you have the guts to say that you are not against piracy in general, only against this specific kind of piracy that you are calling out on in this post, which is something most creators would not explicitly say, even if they are okay with the kind of piracy that you tolerated (namely, patrons sharing models with their friends). In my opinion, piracy by sharing, without paying, is often the only viable option if and when there are so many creators whose works you are interested but in which you could not possibly support ALL of them. It is an unfortunate consequence of the general conditions that the American (and European?) workers found themselves under, facing high cost of living but wages that have seen stagnant growth since the 1970s. Admittedly, to my shame, I partook in the piracy of downloading your own (and other creators', as well) *paid* models to try out before I committed to financially support you as your Patron, as I was already supporting many creators at the time and was unsure whether I could afford supporting you as another creator with my own limited fiscal resources. I take no pleasure in piracy, but it is often the only realistic option when faced with so many creators who were otherwise deserving of my financial support if I could afford all of them. But it turned out, thankfully, that I was able to do so in your case. I sincerely apologize for my past piracy, and I will understand if you decide to ban me on account of that. I am fully aware of risks in admitting this, but I believe that it is vital, regardless of the risks, to come clean with you. Regardless of whether you decide to ban me or not, I will continue to support you in all possible ways. I would even be willing to fiscally support you via PayPal without models in return, as I firmly believe that you have a strong potential as an artist in Virt-A-Mate community. In my opinion, you deserve an award if Virt-A-Mate community were to ever institute a community awards similar to Emmys, for your works are exemplary as always. I am very impressed by how much you have been improving over the time and I encourage you to continue creating, regardless of what happens, and share them with the community for them to appreciate. In any case, in spite of my own piracy of downloading your models, I, for the one, also take a very narrow view on the particular subset of pirate community who exploited your models for their own profits at your expense, as I regarded this kind of piracy as far worse than sharing models for free. It is dishonest and much more dishonorable. There is simply no legitimate rationale for this kind of piracy, unlike the kind of piracy that I partook, for which I outlined the rationales above. It not only cheats out you but also the people who otherwise had been duped into believing that they were paying / financially supporting the legitimate creator.

Virtual Harem 34 (VH34)

I see people pirating my stuff all the time. For broke college kids I don't really care, but I do put a lot of time and money into my creations so for those that can afford it i appreciate the support. I don't get hung up on stopping 100% of pirates though, can't say I'm innocent myself. But the smaller the outfit you're pirating from the more it hurts.