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Hi everyone.

I released Alyson a week ago, and I should have followed up with some new models.

But a week has passed and I haven't released any new models.

Since March this year, V3 technology is getting better and better, and I now only need 3 or 4 days to release a new model.

Alyson? Honestly, this project is not difficult for me, I can create any model now (including the female characters of Resident Evil 4 remake).

But I get up every day now, boot up my computer, and I don't want to create models.

I don't know why I feel this way, I don't hate my current job, but every day I start my computer and my instincts are resisting Zbrush, Maya and DAZ!

I really, really hate myself right now.

Now, I think I can reach 1000 subscribers this year and I just need to keep posting new models, but the truth is that lately I'm resisting doing that and creating new models.

I need a few days to go for a walk and figure out what's going on right now.

In the meantime, I decided to move.

I feel very guilty. Maybe it's a test, and it's something I have to face, and this time I need to be stronger than ever.

I don't understand why I have this feeling of resistance, but I think I'll deal with it.















Maybe you feel like it’s become too easy? The challenge isn’t there so you feel no real accomplishment with the finished product. Only you can figure out how to get out of the slump. Maybe try someone really challenging. Someone that hasn’t been don’t well yet? Or make some that nobody has asked for but you really want. I dunno. But really, you’ve got to do what makes you happy or you won’t enjoy you the creative process.


If you're not enjoying it, you shouldn't be doing it. You need to take care of yourself and make yourself happy. Nobody wants you to slog and suffer through creating these models. If and when you're up to creating again, we'll be here for you, and if you decide you no longer want to do this, we'll be thankful for all the work you've done and all the models you've made, and we'll wish you well for whatever comes next.


I am sorry to hear that you are struggling with feeling demotivated in creating new models/artwork. It is completely normal to experience periods of low motivation and creativity, especially when you have been working on something for a long time. It takes a lot of mental and emotional energy to create, and sometimes our minds and bodies need a break. While it's important to prioritize your own well-being, I just wanted to personally let you know that I am a big fan of your work, and I believe that you are an incredibly talented. We're lucky to have you. Your creations are truly remarkable, and I know that many people, including myself, greatly appreciate the effort you put into each one. If you are no longer enjoying the work and feel like you need a break, it might be worth considering taking some time off and communicating this with your patreon sponsors. While some may support you regardless of whether you create new works or not, others may have subscribed to see new and fresh content. Being honest and transparent with your sponsors about your intentions can help manage their expectations and prevent any misunderstandings. That being said, I hope that you can find your inspiration again and continue to share your talent. I would be saddened to see your work discontinued, as I know that it is simply the best in its class and has contributed greatly to the community. Take care and be kind to yourself.


很遺憾聽到你在創作新模型/藝術作品時遇到了困難。在長時間的創作過程中,經歷低動力和創造力的低谷是很正常的。創作需要耗費很多心力和情感能量,有時我們的心靈和身體需要休息。 雖然重視自己的健康是很重要的,但我想讓你知道,我是你的粉絲,我認為你非常有才華。我們很幸運能有你。你的創作非常出色,許多人,包括我在內,非常欣賞你所付出的努力。 如果你不再喜歡這項工作並感覺需要休息,可以考慮暫停一段時間並告知你的贊助者。儘管一些人可能會繼續支持你,不論你是否創作新作品,但其他人可能已訂閱以查看新鮮內容。對贊助者坦誠和透明,關於你的打算,可以幫助管理他們的期望,防止任何誤解。 話雖如此,我希望你能重新找到靈感,繼續分享你的才華。如果你停止創作,我會感到很遺憾,因為我知道它是類中最優秀的,並對社區做出了很大的貢獻。 好好照顧自己。


I appreciate those words that are rarely spoken. People need to talk more, just to even listen too. I work in Behavioral Therapy to help improve others. Especially those that are often combative, no one asked to be born a certain way. I often come home with with bruises, scratches, pinch spore, or bite marks from time to time. That's my day at work. I had PTSD back in 2021 in the medical field working closely with Hospice. I also have a nursing background too and people passing away around me happened quite often. I was usually the only present on their final breath. So creating that new friend only to see it them fade away again must give you some thought about life right? I graduated high school back in 2013. I went to 15 different schools growing up because I lived in a military family. New friends... bye friends... new friends... bye friends and it keeps going. Last set of friends I kept with me were my senior friends in high school which was a group of 7. Our grouped broke apart due to a disagreement in 2022. 5 of us friends stayed together after the feud. I couldn't attend that hangout day but they said I would have talked some sense into everyone. Basically the nonsense wouldn't have occurred if I was present on that day. I looked at my reflection on myself, called myself a loser growing up. I closed my circle, I made it small, and smaller. But life became more peaceful mentally. I don't need to find others to keep me happy. The main focus is to make yourself happy first. Priority one. And then you share that happiness with others. If you don't feel like something is right about someone by not trusting your got. Follow your on anything you question, chances are. You're right. I was a people pleaser growing up. I always had a hard time saying "no" to anyone because I'm just too damn nice. And that my friend is not a good thing. You need time for yourself. You have to be selfish in your ambitions and your love for family. Sorry, I could keep going but speaking as another person who does care about showing your voice. I appreciate that, if I were to meet you in person you would feel the most genuine hug because I mean it. Life can be seen in a brighter life and you take single steps in your accomplishments. In times like these I would listen personal growth books because I'm too lazy to read. I'm not gonna lie. But there there a lot of good learning material I applied into my own life and many of those tips helped me. You have to learn to be open-minded in life, but in small increments. You're not racing anyone else but yourself. I'm a raised Catholic but I don't practice it much. I believe in God and just doing good. I hope things get better with whatever resolve you need attention too. And whether above or below whatever your priority is. Always remember to self-care. You're a good person in spirit, you know you are. Never let anyone else tell you that you're not. Make your own happiness and share it with someone else. Learn from every experience and apply it to everything else in life. I do what I do because I don't want anyone to feel like a stranger. You're a person, I don't know you so I can't judge you. I can respect you telling us this very much. I hope this challenging resolves swiftly and if it's you. Keep going, one step is all you need to make progress. You got this bro!!!


Hi Bam, I've been where you've been and the best thing is to walk away and come back if you want to. You have already created a fantastic body of work that is some of the best, if not the best, that we have seen. So please, for everyone that knows and loves you, look after yourself and do what you want to do.


謝謝你的鼓勵!你説的這些話真的,對我很重要。 別擔心,如果我做了某個決定,我會第一時間告訴你們的。 目前我有些抗拒,或者迷茫,但我不會輕易退出,我還沒有達到自己當初想要達到的目標。


As negative as these words may seem, I don't intend to quit. I want to share this with you and I want to tell you how I feel most truly. Thanks❤

Zherui Zhao
