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For the first two weeks of the month, I was working on R&D. It was hard, I was sleeping almost four or five hours a day, day and night, and I thought I could finish the project, but it was not to be and it was harder than I thought.

Unfortunately, the R&D work has seriously affected my biological clock.

Now I need a few days of cushioning, I'm too tired.

About the R&D thing, is it worth doing?

My answer is yes. It would be a big improvement to the model.

Meanwhile, my major is clothing design, and I will design more clothes in the future, which will be released together with the model.

Although the R&D work is not finished, I will not schedule a lot of time to R&D again, which will seriously affect the monthly model release schedule. Obviously I made a mistake again this time, dammit.

So, in the future, R&D will be interspersed with normal work.

I'm sorry guys, but that doesn't mean I'll give up.

I know a lot of people are worried about me, but I'm fine, I just need a few days of cushioning.

Thanks guys, I love you all❤



It's all good, sometimes short term sacrifices need to be made for long term gains and I'm looking forward to seeing the result of the work you're putting in now. Just make sure to get the rest you need too :)


you are great no worries


No need to apologize! I know you've been working hard to give us better models faster and it's appreciated.