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A friend told me about it and he decided he wanted to leave patreon.

I hate talking about these types of scams, I'm busy, it disgusts me.

So, what's the point?

1, Sorry, I currently have a backlog of commissions, most of which are private and can't be posted publicly.

2, Since I often work late into the night, I seem to be as forgetful as an old man -_-, I forgot to make a note for some of the commissions, I will message everyone afterwards, please remind me what I should do :p.

3. If you have paid for a commission and I haven't responded to you, please remind me!

      If you have paid enough, please promptly lower the subscription fee to $5 per month (for regular members).

4, There is no lifetime membership in the Patreon community, no one-time payment, you can only renew, but you can subscribe to an annual membership with a discount ;)

5、Well, let's talk about money.

My friends, usually, I don't recommend my friends to spend extra custom models, it's not cost effective.

But I don't have a team, LOL, and honestly, man, you usually have to wait a long time to get the model you want.

So how can I get you guys to spend less money and enjoy better service?

I have to be more focused, I have to handle all things patreon properly, build a more detailed list, and plan my work time wisely, limit the number of commissions, and release the models you all want faster, otherwise I will be swamped with backlog commissions.

6. A friend is helping me to count the votes of the discord community's member pageants, which helps me a lot, thank you very much my friend ❤

My girlfriend, well, fiancee, she doesn't like me doing these models, complains that I often work late into the night and don't have time to have sex with her, but I often advise her that I'm paying the rent, in the end she still supports me, LOL. I love her.

Finally, for some of my old friends who have stuck by me, I will do commissions for them for free if there are not enough commission slots for a given month, this is not the first time I have done this and it won't be the last, I will never charge $300 fucking dollars.

Yeah, I love you guys❤



charlie H

That guy is a scam. He also pretend to be a girl. His new name is Seoul studio


Any time I've seen that creator's work I thought it looked terrible. Stealing textures clearly can't make up for a complete lack of skill - real ones like you will always stand out as having top quality work. Recurring commissions are really tough if you have high demand. I'm glad that list could help you as far as ranking the public requests. For paid commissions, you might be better off separating that from patreon and charging per commission using something like paypal. That way you can just do them in the order you received them without worrying about a monthly deadline. Whatever you choose to do, I'm happy to continue supporting you and look forward to seeing what you do next!


You are and continue to be in my opinion the best artist in the community. Your hard working, reliable and arent looking to rip people off. You have shown that and proved it to us all. Even when there was a bit of an issue awhile back you were honest to everyone took down and fixed what needed to be fixed. You are NOT Crazy3D or Seoul who pumps out garbage after garbage and has terrible taste in what VAM models should look like but hey each to their own. My point is, theres always a bad apple that ruins things for people we will never get away from that. We can be thankful for the ones that are genuine and treat others with respect and courtesy. Its unfortunate that this particular persons opinion and experience has been ruined by one asshole when there are so many great and possitive artists still out there. You just keep doing what you do and hopefully you continue to be a good example of the way artists should be and should behave. Thank you kindly for all the work and effort that younput in for us. I hope I speak for many when I say that im very happy to be a part of your own personal community in VAM and you have an incredible talent and dedication to the art and to your patreons. So I say again, thank you my friend 😁


I nearly got banned from the hub for using the "sad" reaction emote on Crazy's posts. Meshed himself sent me a PM and demanded me to stop "harassing" them. That didn't age well. Crazy is a man child who doesn't have a creative bone in their body. Also, dear Bamair, go smash your woman, we don't mind if new models are running behind, as long as you have them in the pipeline - and the bar of quality stays the same.

charlie H

It’s. Way back when that bitch started making shit I was helping him packing the var. one day i was packing var for her and notice a familiar skin and yep he was stealing one of my friend skins. I told people but everyone didn’t believe me and say leave her alone. A bunch of horny bitches.

charlie H

That’s the problem. He told me the same shit. So he can go fuck himself. It’s okay to scam people but not harass. Fk him


'preciate you