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I have 4 custom projects to complete, two of which are Asian models.

Yes, it is very difficult to create an Asian model, and it takes a lot of time to adjust the face and body shape.

Once I finish them, I will start creating pageant models.

This month I may give up custom models, or strictly review custom projects, so that I have time to create models that everyone likes! Yeah!

Also, I will remake the old models and give them new life!




Looking for this Kirby model and cannot find it


Nice plan! When you start doing non-special member models again, can you do Nayeon next on the Asian list? She has been on the list since January.

The Vamalorian

The main reason I subscribe are for pageant models. If the frequency of those doesn't increase to normal I may have to drop my subscription and just subscribe every few months. My guess is I'm not the only one. You had a big surge in subscribers when you were doing more frequent western actresses and porn stars. I hope you get back to that.


Bam- do what you gotta do to keep the subscribers, but for me, I'm here for the Asian looks. And porn stars!


I'm here for mainly the Asian looks as well, and I'm sure many others too. He makes the best Asian lookalikes.