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It looks terrible.

I need to redo.

The custom models were delayed for too long, and I must finish them.

Next month, I will strictly check the list of customized models. For items that cannot be completed, I will refund and apologize.



Dark Cypher

I think you should take a poll about needing a refund. IMO no refund is needed. We love your work and you are worth every cent.


It's okay. Having a monthly commission tier is tough, and depending on how challenging some of them are and anything else that may come up during the month we understand it may just not be possible to fulfill all of them in a month. Honestly, it's a shame Patreon doesn't make it easier to pay per commission rather than monthly as I think that would be a better model for everyone. Personally, you've done enough great customs for me that I don't mind if you're late sometimes.


Some things have distracted me this week, but I will be more determined, like SplineVR.


Ok for me too. I would rather know the model is done to the highest quality than rushing it to meet deadline. I don’t mind waiting a bit.