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Thank you for your trust and support. Without you, I can't keep going.

OH, don't worry about the screenshot and the number of people, don't get me wrong.

Okay, let’s talk about patreon.com.

I don't know what happened. There were still 520 people on my list at 2 AM on March 1, but the number dropped sharply to 340 during dinner time. What happened? is this real?

Very strange, I don't know the encryption algorithm of patreon.com server statistics, I don't know how they calculate the data.

When I saw "338", I had doubts, WHY.

In March, I estimated that there may be 450+ people on the list, maybe 400+.

This is just my estimate. Is it true that the number of people has dropped drastically in a short time?

So, I want to check the detailed list statistics records. Unfortunately, patreon.com did not provide detailed records. Yes, many people just disappeared out of thin air without records.

I am not sensitive to numbers, and, I will continue to make better VAM models. If you think the model is not good enough, you can leave a message or unsubscribe at any time, I will see the unsubscribe record, and I can still pass the list of sponsors Send you gifts here.

I am not angry, but why is there no detailed list statistics record?

I will contact the patreon.com administrator to clarify the problem.

I love all of you!




Depending on where you are in the world, my guess is that it's based on the timezone of which where Patreon is based/hosted.


You're always producing some great stuff, I wouldn't worry mate. Just keep doing what you're doing! :)


Not sure what happened there, but I'm sure you'll bounce back. You're doing great work. I, for one, am not going anywhere :)


You're work is great! There's probably many new people just testing the waters. If they don't see what they like the first month, they would just leave. There's no doubt your models are great. Maybe experiment and change the consistency on the type of models you output. Eg. Alternate between non-Asian models and Asian models. This way the output is more equal. If you keep outputting non-Asian models for a month, for example, people that are only interested in Asian models will leave because they're not getting what they want. There's always a Cause and Effect. The example I gave above is what I have observed over the months, but there's probably other causes as well.

The Vamalorian

You may also have a market competition problem too. Your lookalikes are great. However, there have been several lookalikes recently that you've done that have been the same as Vecterror, ZombieSirius and others. A key component to surviving the competition is to have a unique and superior option to the competition. If you aren't already, become patreons of all of the lookalike makers on VAM so you can see what they are doing as Work In Progress and simply do something different. Case in point, you and Vect both did Charlize Theron the same week and they are virutally identical. The market isn't going to pay for the same product from two vendors. I think your strength are lookalikes and you are one of the few that does adult film star lookalikes. If I were you, I'd market yourself as the guy that does like 1 adult star and 1 UNIQUE hollywood star (that is actually attractive). This way, folks know that Bamair is going to always deliver something, at a high quality that NO ONE else is doing. THAT is what will catapult your user base and keep your subs. You may also wanna consider lowering that $15.00 tier to the $10.00 range (or, 9.75 might actually yield you more money) and then maybe take your 5.00 tier to maybe 4.75). This way, now not only are you creating superior, unique, content, you are doing it at a price slightly lower than the competition. Also remember that Patreon lists your client's memberships by price level. As folks are reviewing the their monthly spend, the further you are down on that list the less likely you are to get cut, especially if your content is superior and not being created by anyone else.


Your suggestion is good, I will try to release Asian and non-Asian models alternately.


I'd love to see authentic African ones as well, there aren't nearly enough of those.


Bamair makes the best looks and in particular, his Asian looks are suburb and the reason I'm here and in the $15 tier. Keep up the great work. I agree that consistently alternating it probably best.


For me it's much the same as Vamalorian said. I'm still here but have not been sure for how long as I keep seeing the same people done that are being done by the other creators and the biggest thing is I really like using VAR files instead of mucking about with the folders. It just keeps things cleaner for me. Maybe that makes me lazy but that's where I'm at.


Your stuff is great, but I have to second on the VARs, they make management of looks sooooo much easier, and avoid a huge mess with textures and morphs.