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So this has taken me a while to decide upon, I've been flip flopping about this for nearly a year now but unfortunately I'm going to be making some major changes to patreon. 

The truth of it is that the model that I'm using now is unsustainable and is costing me money to maintain and with the cost of living in the UK soaring I just can't do it anymore.

 I love you guys, you give me great ideas and have stuck with me through thick and thin, share support and heartfelt criticism, humour and kindness. Hell, I've met a couple of my dearest friends through this place. But I physically can't run patreon like this anymore.

 So what's happening? TLDR I'm making all the tiers $1, because times are tough for everyone and I want to keep my page running in some capacity. 

Long version, this is kind of heart breaking for me, but the reward tiers are going to be scrapped. I loved working with you guys so much, you're great, this has been a major stumbling block with this decision. The monthly vote images are also being scrapped, they're massively time consuming. From now on they'll be as and when I can and a lot more relaxed and casual and everyone's free to add ideas to the pot and vote on them. 

I'm going to keep this as more of a digital sketchbook and community page and run it as cheap as possible, I do value people's ideas and input and I want to maintain that and give you guys a little bit of something back.

I'm going to putting these changes in place at the end of the week, if anyone has any input or thoughts on the matter, please please leave a comment and I'm all ears!


Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-22 09:44:31 It's a shame for sure, but you need to do what is best for you <3
2022-08-08 09:03:35 It's a shame for sure, but you need to do what is best for you <3

It's a shame for sure, but you need to do what is best for you <3


Sad to hear the news, though it doesn't affect me too much. Patreon has always just been a way to give my favourite creators a little token of appreciation for the work they share with everyone. I don't feel entitled to anything, and I've gotten far more than I deserve from you, your patrons, and other benevolent creators. Thank you. It is with great humility that I ask only one favour of the creators I patronize: Please keep me updated on the things you create.