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So I've been putting this off for a couple of days and I don't know the best way to put this out... My grandma passed away. She suddenly took ill after the last stay in hospital after a fall. There doesn't seem to be any one illness that caused this though she was refusing medication, she just slipped away over the course of a week but it was relatively painless and quick, she just went to sleep, she decided this was her time I guess.

So yeah, that's happened.

I'm getting back to work on commissions and most of this month's pledges have been processed so I'll have a lot to do over this coming month but it feels a little closer to normality.

Sorry about the delays and radio silence, I'm getting back on track.



I'm very sorry to hear that. My grandma gave us a scare about a week ago and nearly passed. At least she seemed to pass painlessly in her sleep. Don't worry about us :(


my dad's this huge viking of a man who made the comment 'I've seen a few deaths and this was a good one'. It was so... strange, she went on her favourite day of the week and at her favourite time of day. I'm going to miss her like crazy as she was a wonderful woman and my only grandparent but it gives us a lot of comfort. I'm sorry to hear about that, seriously, I know what its like and I sincerely apologise if my post brought up any tender memories, a lot people are in or have been in my shoes so I'm genuinely sorry if I've upset anyone.


Very understandable, and we're all very patient. It's difficult to come forward and mention things like that in online spaces, thanks for sharing, I have a very old grandmother who is just as wonderful and I fear that happening one day eventually soon. At least this was a very peaceful passing. You haven't upset anyone, no worries, I think it helps and/or humanizes, to talk about it. People all too often forget, especially when dealing with as amazing erotic art as yours (compliments), that there's still a very human side to everyone, that there's a person with their own life, troubles, struggles, etc, at the other end of the keyboard, and it helps us all to talk about it. Kudos to you, we're always patient, keep making your amazing artwork, but always remember yourself and the importance of your personal life!


My condolences on your loss, Moon.


My condolences, Moon.


Oh gosh, I'm sorry :(

Anios Selindar

*hug maple* aww so sorry to hear it dear . :'(


My condolences, CM.


Condolences, it is always hard to lose a loved one.