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I'm not going to lie, i've had a super sloppy month with my workload and the last week, over Christmas, some unpleasantness happened so I'm taking this month off to get on top of things. 

Honestly, I'm a bit disillutioned with Patreon right now, I feel like I've let it become stale and boring and my enthusiasm for posting here, or anywhere, is lacking. I also feel like as an adult art creator there's a storm brewing and I need to seek a new safe habor. Discord maybe?

So I'm asking you guys, what would you like to see here in terms of features, artwork etc etc and from me in general?



Honestly I was starting to worry you weren't getting my emails. Sent the details for this month's going on last year's com and never got a reply back. Discord's a good option for socializing, and sharing in addition to voice chat. Also Discord PM's are a hell of alot more convenient then email in terms of communicating and ref sharing. As for staleness. I suppose doing something fun and engaging that doesn't contribute to work load or stress. Maybe art streams? Load up your favorite playlist and chat as you work? A Patreon only discord voice chat for the Streams. Just so your not too overwhelmed by too many trying to chat at the same time. Engaging with your fans outside of just producing the art and coms would go a long way no doubt. Share memes, shit posting. But friendly suggestion. No politics in the discord or voice chat. I've never seen it work out well. Allowing politics to be mentioned discussed or political memes shared will serve only to cause fights, division and bitterness.


Besides supporting my favourite artists, I use Patreon to stay up to date on what they are creating/doing (particularly those who are not also on Hentai-Foundry). I don't really need more out of Patreon than that, so even linking to posts on other sites would be fine. You could go to DeviantArt or similar, but the safest harbor is to host your own site (professional hosting costs at least 30$ a year though). I don't particularly like Discord because I use it for other things and I don't want NSFW notifications to pop up all the time. It's also not great for finding and organizing posts anyway.


I've seen other artists do (NSFW) art streams using picarto.tv, so that could work. Unfortunately I miss most of them due to time zones.

John Lobdell

I like discord but it is hard to actually get your art out there. I use patreon as an easy way to help support my favorite artists so I dont really expect much out of it besides higher quality pieces, whatever you decide to do I hope it all works out :D