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Hey guys, how's it going?

This isn't anything major, this isn't going to affect the vast majority of you guys but I'm just making a little update for the sake of transparency as I've been making some changes to my workload, the way I work and what I want to do with my work going forward.

Firstly, while I was away from patreon I have been doing a lot of reflecting on my work and how I'm working and have managed to streamline my work time considerably. I have pretty much managed to halve the amount of time I devote to a full color image without losing the quality I think you deserve to see. The changes were simple, stupid simple but I previously lacked the confidence in myself to put it into affect but I'm in a place where I'm happy to abandon my crutch. You guys hopefully won't notice a difference other than more artwork being put out and faster turn arounds but this is a big deal to me and my self confidence.

It took an outside influence, Sienna to come along and slap me back of the head, to make this change happen and have a little faith in myself.

Going to twitter has done me so much good at this moment, I cannot tell you.

Next up, due to ill health I've had to step down from my part time job. I have a chronic condition called hyper mobile ehlers danlos syndrome which is a condition of the connective tissue thoughout my body. I have a very very mild form of this but it leaves me in a great deal of discomfort all over some days but worst is my digestion. It makes me sick, violently, unpredictably ill, sometimes for a couple of days in a row and since late summer last year this element has been a little crazy so I've quit my 'day job'. To compensate for this I'm taking on commissions outside of patreon, so you'll be seeing a lot of work from outside the site.

I'm also going to be working on an RPG manual with a British publisher sometime in the future so I may be pausing patreon if and when that comes about.

Finally I've disabled the $50 tier, it's bugged and I can't fix it. Lower tier patreons are more than welcomed to conbine their rewards as usual however I'd sooner dedicate my time to other reward tiers, $100 especially, and work outside of patreon to keep myself afloat.

If you've made it through all that, grats! GG! You get a gold star and a big thank you for staying with me and getting through that massive wall of text!

Thank you all and thank you for your ongoing support, you're all amazing people!


John Lobdell

We all love you <3


Glad to see you found a way to optimize your work to get more time to rest and relax. You work hard and deserve some R and R. But just because you found a way to get the job done faster don't be afraid to pause for a month if ya need a break or time for what ever.


Good and exciting news! Which British publisher is it?


This is going to sound a little paranoid but I'm not sure how much I should say publicly. I'm a little scared of the internet 'cancel culture' and people's lively hoods getting destroyed if they step out of line and I really want to make a go of this. But when this is a bit more fleshed out (it's still going through playtesting, last I heard an alliment system was being trialled) I'll drop you a DM? It's steampunk, I will say that much. :D


It was a change I should have made ages ago to be honest, but I got stuck in a rut, it had to be done this one way and it held me back. I'm glad I've made this change though, it's breathed new life into everything I do. Working more on sketches and simpler images has also done me the world of good as it's helping me learn how to get more out of less in terms of colour.


That's only sensible. I figured you might be under an NDA anyway. So steampunk, huh? With your newfound love for ladies in suits, I predict great things to come.