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Hello there my delectable little cupcakes! You may or may not be glad to hear that that Warcraft comic I promised is finally sketched out and ready to be finished. How long will it take to finish? Honestly I have no clue; however it’s now ready for your very important input because I’ve got a few cameo spots that need filling and this is where you come in! You get two chances to get a spot but can only claim one, think of it as your main vote and a spare and if more than one person wants a spot I will random number generator it. I will do my up most to make sure everyone who wants a spot can get one though I can’t make any promises at this stage. So on to business! Just leave a comment in the section below with the number you’d like to fill and I’ll get back to you with what spot you’ve got. Please read before you comment, any characters that don’t meet the specifications will be ignored! (please note, when I say female I will accept futa characters but she’s just have female only parts in this case) 6. Nelf/pandaran/draenei /orc/worgen Male only



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