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So a quick update to let you know guys know what's going on behind the scenes!

Patreon reward messages will be going out a little later this month, I'm aiming for this time next week at the latest as I am three images behind from last month's rewards. I was heavily debating shutting down patreon to give me chance to catch up however with the changes to how my rewards are processed (now being upfront) I'm no longer sure of the best way to go about this without damaging or changing anyone's pledges.

I'm going to try and work over time this month to catch up.

I was also unable to deliver on my personal image of the month so all being well I will have extra this month to make up for it. I hope I can do extra at least as it was something I was deeply looking forward to working on and literally had half a dozen ideas lined up.

In other news I visited the optians for my annual check up and... Suspected occular hypertension. I'm waiting for an appointment with my local hospital to have a full exam but I'm not expecting to hear anything back for a couple of months. I am extremely young to have the condition if that's what it is but glucoma runs rampant in both sides of my family so its not a huge surprise.

And that's about it! Hope you guys are all doing super and don't be shy if you want to ask me anything or have any questions.

And genuinely thank you to the eye lash guy, I need to pay you to error spot in my work uuggghhh I'm still face palming over that. :P


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