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Due to the ice storm, damages, and outages, the monthly pic is running late.

Our house is fine.. so far.. But our trees and the surrounding area are seeing News worthy damage..

We were without power for a significant time.. though it will make for a lovely memory for the kids. We are alright though.

Thanks for your understanding, we will get the pic to you ASAP. 




Lord it’s happening again? Glad your all alright Power outages if prepared can be memorable for kids that’s for sure (it sure was for us when hurricanes took out the power) be safe out there


We still had gas, so we were able to use the stove to make food.. we ate by candle light and hung out in the Living room.. then at bedtime we huddled together in one room. Boys on the floor, baby in the bed with the adults. I was able to save most of the contents of my fridge by collecting all the ice from outside to fill our coolers lol. I'm nothing if not resourceful. We are huge campers.. so we are prepared for things like this. Plenty of lanterns, sleeping bags to help keep the warmth in, and so on. Power was out all day and came back late at night. The most crazy thing was listening to every tree in the neighborhood break multiple limbs.. if not split completely.. we will lose some trees out of this..


Texas in general isn’t prepared for climate change fueled winters. Glad you prepared. In the northeast we are only just getting our first big chill (I’m talking between 2-8 degrees for 2 days straight) but we can handle winter better up here glad you and the boys are all good Kinda reminds me of the time back in 2011 when Hurricane Irene knocked out the power when the whole fam was Tangled when it first came out. But there wasn’t any rain, the wind was just strong. Because the power was out there was no light pollution so we saw all the stars. So we danced around the front yard in the dark while our parents sat on the porch. The wind was like a cool blanket. Then when the power came back in dad said let’s finish Tangled cause he was into it hehe


I hope things get better for you and your family soon. Your health comes first and not the pictures.


Just as long as you and your family are safe and well that's what maters most.