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The Winner Is (not what I expected, but I'm not surprised):

Straight Vote

Winner: Anders and Paladin Amo (M/F)

Loser: Worgen Sicha and Callow as a Female (F/F)

Vote Suggestion: Serid and Worgen Sicha (M/F)

Options for next vote:

  • Jetnara and Tauren Drogan (M/F)
  • Hoth (Horse guy from Skylords) x Amo (M/F)
  • Serid and Kinar (M/F)
  • Serid and Worgen Sicha (M/F)
  • Rayne from Skylords and a Female Dragon Drogan (M/F)

Male x Male

Next round we'll be removing the winners to keep things fresh and to give poor Shai a break, lol.

Pair: Shai x Anders

Position: Other (i.e. my choice)

Thanks for the votes and the support!
