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Alrighty, just finished this one. Not sure if I prefer the night or day version better, I think both are equally good mood for me.

I have some versions here with the early and late feel, aswell as without background.

But yeah the theme is like the viewer stumbling across this guy and he wonders if they like what they see. ^^




Tasty. Lovely. Beautyful. Im innocently curious, from idea until finished Picture, how long did this take you to make, if i may ask?


Since commissioner knew what they wanted I just had to start sketching pose to see if it matches what they imagine and then go from there. Background I did freestyle as there was no specifics for it, but I always check if it's good and update them about it. It took over a week but should have been under a week but lately with health issues I had more worse days than usual I would say. For comic pages it usually takes around 2 weeks for me.


Thank you for your answer! That is honestly more that i imagined but then again, i am not even an amateur artist. I had no idea. I am glad that i decided to join your patreon. Awesome artists like you deserve so much more! Thank you for your great art! I really, really love your work. Gonna rise the tier now =)


Thank you. ^^ I am now planning and writing up for next commission which is 3 page comic with vore. Need to figure out what panels to focus on and such before sketching. ^^