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I liked this name for the image so I changed it. Thanks for the suggestions. ^^

More things added. More to come... Maybe not too much though, I realized that I need to clean up lines before I color. Usually I draw all the lines again in clean swipes but it's gonna take so much time the more I add. Haha.. So I decided I will go through the rough parts and clean it up that way. So it will be a little rougher on the lineart when it's done, but I think it's gonna be noticed when zoomed in and not viewed normally. I will try to do best quality while trying to finish it faster.

That said, I still want to add some more. I lack more furries about in the scene.

Oh yeah, this might also take more time, but I decided I will try add peoples characters in this image if they feel like it. If you have a character that is a canine, feline or lizardman I can replace anyone in the scene. You can send reference sheets to me through notes here or on Telegram if you prefer, and also mention which placement. If I read two people want the same placement the first one I read will get the place, and I can tell which are taken.

I realize that this might be too much for me, so i'm not looking to replace every character in this image. So first added gets the spot, does this sound fair? I'm very tired right now and might regret it, but I like the idea and want to try.




What is the price for a slot?


You are already supporting me here. No price, this is just a fun bonus I want to offer I guess.


uuff then i want one o.o


On the foreground wall on the right, you could make a prey that is pulled up and leaves marks of claws. (with a frightening appearance.)


Really wish I had canine character right about now! Unfortunately even if I did, I would not have a reference for it lol. Now that I think about it, I really should look into getting a reference for my otter character XD!


yay! Wish I had a character


Please keep the girl on the roof as it is, it's perfect :-)


Like if someone stood agains the wall and someone from above reached down and pulls him up? Sounds good, i'll think about it. ^^