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I could swear I posted an update after the one in March, but I can only find the one from March on my timeline. Oh well, I'm assuming the newer post never got published and just try to cover everything since March.

So, first off, I mentioned the hernia thing back in March. It'll be operated on on the 25th this month, so I'm glad to get that sorted out relatively soon. Let's see if I can spend some of the recovery time on art.

I also mentioned that work should be less busy and tiresome starting from 27th last month. Nope, didn't happen. Still been tired as hell. However, for the past week a trainee has been learning the ropes at my workstation, which has taken about half the workload off my back. This should continue until the hernia operation. I've had a lot more energy to do stuff on my free time.

But because fate doesn't have a lot of art in store from me, my left elbow and the joints of some of the fingers have been busted the past week or so. Mild inflammation, probably. Working on medicating it as per doctor's orders, but I try to avoid putting too much strain on those joints, which includes working the hotkeys on computer when doodling all those anime butts.

In other words, things have gotten better, and they've gotten worse. I just posted some exclusive content for those of you with access though. Some of it I was supposed to post last month already, the other stuff is what I've managed to doodle recently.

With the lack of finished art recently though, there are quite a few new patrons who don't have access to exclusive content yet, because there's been no chance to process a pledge. If you're one of those people and desperate to get access to the exclusive content a bit earlier, instead of waiting until I get some finished art done again, feel free to send me a message. I'm sure I can offer some alternatives.

Other than that, I'm amazed that the lack of new content on my end hasn't caused a single one of you guys to drop your pledge over the past few weeks. I can't help but keep telling you people how amazingly supportive you all are. I can't wait to get my life, work and health sorted out so I can give you guys some finished art again.

Let's see if I can maybe get something done over the upcoming Easter holidays!



Hey there, I'm a relatively new patreon and first of all I'd like to thank you for your amazing art. While it would be much appreciated to get access to the exclusive content, there is absolutely no rush. Take all the time you need and keep up the awesome work. Also thanks for the frequent updates ^_^